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AP Amumu was an OP jungler until now, he's still quite viable I think.

The usual AP mid is somewhat too squishy to suit being an underlevelled and underfarmed jungler
SootShade said:
Maboobs said:
It would be nice to see more AP junglers. I think it might shift the meta a little too, making top/mid a little more random.
Well, seeing as Zyra can jungle, and Diana's being designed a jungle also, that seems to be happening.

Oh, and about jungle Zyra... I was going to do that, until it turned out we were 3v4. So yeah, had to go mid without any MR/an ignite, which is why the AP Yi on the opposing team managed to get a couple of kills on my to start with. However, with three gp/10 and farming both my lane and all the jungle using plants I got massively farmed and found out how to kill a fed AP Yi: Burst him from full to zero before he can use his heal. :razz: Proceed to towerdive the Soraka who DID get heals off, if fed enough.

Edit: Holy ****, I think Nashor's could definitely be a thing on Diana. That passive is stronk.
It doesn't add to her burst damage, nor tankyness though. And when diving into the enemy team with your ult, you probably want one of these. It does give CDR for her shield though, and mixed in with some tanky items it could be pretty decent.
Why the heck is Ezreal so stronk?

When did he get buffed? or what the ****, I don't remember him being that easy to play and rape with.
I'm thinking you'd probably get Lich Bane, Rylai's and Abyssal with it, basically making you more of a tanky DPS, able to stay in a fight a lot longer dishing out damage, something probably used when jungling. Of course, building her with stuff like Deathcap and DFG might make her a viable mid, as an assassin type, though tanking up with Abyssal/Rylai's is still going to be needed, I think.

Astinus said:
AP Amumu was an OP jungler until now, he's still quite viable I think.
Wasn't seen for a while, but right now he's actually been showing up more an more with that kinda build. So yeah, quite viable.
insertirlcompensatingnamehere said:
Why the heck is Ezreal so stronk?

When did he get buffed? or what the ****, I don't remember him being that easy to play and rape with.
People have always recognize his lane presence, mobility, and kiting abilities. His biggest complaint is his lack of reliable burst, and late game damage relative to other AD carries.

If you want an AD carry with burst, then Corki and Graves have a lot more of that.

If you want late game damage, EZ hasn't got anything on the likes of Tristana and Kog because he lacks range and steroids. His late game damage is also unreliable because his Q is very easily blocked by tanks.

However, what ezreal has is a really smooth scaling. He has a lot of lane presence due to his poke and dueling ability, and being very difficult to gank. Mid-game is when he's strongest. Both allows him to scale well into late game.

In late game, he doesn't bring anywhere near as much damage as other ad carries, but his mobility and As buff/debuff allows him to remain relevant late game, especially in certain teamcomps. Not to mention, ad carries are always relevant late game.
Basically, pretty much since people finally figured to take the massive AS debuff of the W over a minimal damage increase on Q he's been ****ting on everything. Personally I always found it incredibly easy to win with him, but turns out it probably wasn't me being amazing. :razz:
I guess... yeah.

I noticed that twitch can do nothing to ez. Everytime he popped out of stealth I used my w to debuff his buff then use e to evade his slowing **** and proceed to kill him, other than flash he had no way to escape. Then fought a cait, she was able to zone me for the most of the laning phase, but never killed me or fell behind 5 cs, after mid-game started cait couldn't keep up with my damage and after one teamfight the enemy team surrendered. And they were bad, I think, so that's why I asked. Thanks for your answers.
Kawee said:
insertirlcompensatingnamehere said:
Why the heck is Ezreal so stronk?

When did he get buffed? or what the ****, I don't remember him being that easy to play and rape with.
People have always recognize his lane presence, mobility, and kiting abilities. His biggest complaint is his lack of reliable burst, and late game damage relative to other AD carries.

If you want an AD carry with burst, then Corki and Graves have a lot more of that.

If you want late game damage, EZ hasn't got anything on the likes of Tristana and Kog because he lacks range and steroids. His late game damage is also unreliable because his Q is very easily blocked by tanks.

However, what ezreal has is a really smooth scaling. He has a lot of lane presence due to his poke and dueling ability, and being very difficult to gank. Mid-game is when he's strongest. Both allows him to scale well into late game.

In late game, he doesn't bring anywhere near as much damage as other ad carries, but his mobility and As buff/debuff allows him to remain relevant late game, especially in certain teamcomps. Not to mention, ad carries are always relevant late game.
Even graves , the most picked ad carry , has no useful skill other than his as buff on late game.
Cait has 0 buffs. Which is why she gets shat on by every other carry. Best you can do with her is run away and try to dodge whatever poke they throw at you while you throw your own poke. Which, given that your poke roots you, is pretty damn hard.
ferevon said:
Even graves , the most picked ad carry , has no useful skill other than his as buff on late game.
1. His sight debuff / MS debuff remains relevant through out the entire game.
2. Graves is not picked for his late game anyway. Having said that, ad carries are always relevant late game.
Caitlyn needs to have a passive built into her traps or something to allow some sort of lategame scaling.

EDIT: Passive steroid that is.
Or just add a AS boost if she hits her net. Or armor debuff on her traps. Also, her traps are still very very useful lategame. Trap the entire baron area, profit. If she actually had an AS steroid, I think she could be OP really.
ferevon said:
Kawee said:
insertirlcompensatingnamehere said:
Why the heck is Ezreal so stronk?

When did he get buffed? or what the ****, I don't remember him being that easy to play and rape with.
People have always recognize his lane presence, mobility, and kiting abilities. His biggest complaint is his lack of reliable burst, and late game damage relative to other AD carries.

If you want an AD carry with burst, then Corki and Graves have a lot more of that.

If you want late game damage, EZ hasn't got anything on the likes of Tristana and Kog because he lacks range and steroids. His late game damage is also unreliable because his Q is very easily blocked by tanks.

However, what ezreal has is a really smooth scaling. He has a lot of lane presence due to his poke and dueling ability, and being very difficult to gank. Mid-game is when he's strongest. Both allows him to scale well into late game.

In late game, he doesn't bring anywhere near as much damage as other ad carries, but his mobility and As buff/debuff allows him to remain relevant late game, especially in certain teamcomps. Not to mention, ad carries are always relevant late game.
Even graves , the most picked ad carry , has no useful skill other than his as buff on late game.
I can't see how Smokescreen loses any of its usefulness and how are buckshot and Collateral damage not useful?
With Last Whisper, IE and BT lategame, the buckshot and collateral damage combo still deals significant amount of damage. Sure it falls off a bit, it's not 60% of the enemies health in damage like early game, but it's not useless.
That's practically full build. I'd say late game hits usually around the time you have 3 full items (IE,PD,LW) assuming you didn't feed/get fed. At that point base damages on your skills (and scaling!) are largely relevant.
Well, his ratio's aren't bad. But dashing up close to the enemy to get the most out of buckshot isn't the safest thing to do. And well, if someone jumped on you it's likely to be an assassin (which means you're probably stunned, silence or already dead) or a tank that just laughs at your buckshot.
But lategame, it's his attack speed boost that's most of his damage, not his skills. Like with most AD carries.
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