LEGION Archery 6 v 6

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Team name : Deep Warbanders
Captain Caius
1. Caius 411472
2. Maximou 1543605
3. Woj 708496
4. Hawate 1707663
5. Vince 3266946
6. Haralf 1281033
7. Lightbrain 2389771
8. Patachou

Banner :

1 More team left to sign up! then we can get started!

Arrows On Ice - Barricades have been moved around so every team has an equal advantage on a new map strategy - screens will be uploaded soon as we have 10 teams.
Addition's to Team Augustiner + ID's

1. Habimana - 58260
2. Broomstick - 9234
3. Duck - 2034716
4. Sparta - 662238
5. Rayden - 17685
6. Bendetto - 1680073
7. Rainbow - 147159
8. Fietta - 2361166
9. Kani

Sign up's end mid day tomorrow.

Single elimination

If we start with 9 teams then the bracket will be generated at random like this >>> Example

Team name : The Terrible Sirs
Captain Hursty
1. Hursty
2. Cedrick 2715833
3. Retamar
4. Pizza
5. Strand
6. Scarta
7. Dave
8. Saxxxio
9. Ari

Banner :

You'll get the GUIDS sometime tomorrow

Can you add this banner to deep Warbanders please :


Thank you !
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