[LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

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Any idea if the save game editor can change your character's gender on a PoP save? I'm assuming if it can marriage would complicate things but thankfully my character has not married yet. Anyone have any experience with this?
Evvv said:
Yes i found that now. Any troop with level 40 or more doesn't appear in the post battle recruitment menu. But this can be changed by opening scripts.txt and searching for "1 1224979098644774917 2147483678 2 1224979098644774918 40" (without quotes) under "party_add_party_prisoners" and changing the 40 to any level that you want the cap to be. Noldor Warriors have a extra check but i'm too lazy to search for it in the text number format and remove it.
Could have told you that had you asked or better, had you used the mighty Sea-Fu to enlighten yourself and gain insight and wisdom. Though I´m not really sure wether or not its not a >40 as you should be able to recruit regular knights of the various factions which are level 40, if memory serves right.

Which is a reason why a terrible lot of high end troopers have level 45. Amassing a ton of high end troopers or an all elite army is easy enough as it is.
I thinks as POP is about overpowered units even stupid Armsmen can take Hero Adventurer without problems. These things happens because veterans want challenge but in reality inexperienced players can beat POP because OP units - seems absurdly as 200 HA conquer a city with 800 defender. Warband has bugs and flaws allow OPness of cavalry(polearms were even useless, formations as shieldwall not working properly. I hope as Bannerlord will improve these things(game is high-end version of WB)
noosers said:
Though I´m not really sure wether or not its not a >40 as you should be able to recruit regular knights of the various factions which are level 40, if memory serves right.
The condition is >=40 (lvl) by default. Therefore you can't recruit lvl 40 units either from prisoner stacks, including top-tier faction nobles (all of them were adjusted to be lvl 40 in v3.9)
Companions long range missiles auto upgrade: quality vs quantity?

At the moment they prefer Melitine Arrows (3p 42) over Noldor Arrows (10p 32) or Arrows (1p 40) over Bodkin Arrows (3p 34).

IconracI said:
Companions long range missiles auto upgrade: quality vs quantity?

At the moment they prefer Melitine Arrows (3p 42) over Noldor Arrows (10p 32) or Arrows (1p 40) over Bodkin Arrows (3p 34).


For leveling up purposes damage is more important - more XP per shot and short fights are frequent. I give my companions Melitine Arrows around pro 300-350.
IconracI said:
Companions long range missiles auto upgrade: quality vs quantity?

At the moment they prefer Melitine Arrows (3p 42) over Noldor Arrows (10p 32) or Arrows (1p 40) over Bodkin Arrows (3p 34).

Quantity, especially for larger scale battles.
Quantity for me too overall. As @sher said, early on with lower stats, damage per shot is more important (quality), but later, the overall damage output per bag of arrows/bolts is better for suppressing fire, when your units/companions are one-shotting most enemies either way.

If you are thinking about nerfing some stats or ammo account, I'd say every kind of arrow (or the most of them) has a role now. I've seen roughly the same amount of CKO with Melitine Arrows as with Noldor ones. I guess fashion/design aspects matter a lot too, and Noldor Arrows or Ranger Arrows for instance look way better with Noldor/Silver/White/Grey/Blue plate armors.
Gorvex said:
... If you are thinking about nerfing some stats or ammo account ...
As this will change items autocalc values -> units autocalc values -> kingdom balance needs to be rechecked, so won't happen.

NPCs selection priorities may be changed independently, that is why I am asking above question.
IconracI said:
NPCs selection priorities

Matter only in early game when you don't have items and equip anything you can't be bothered with. Usually I use auto equipment for armors only since in that phase only armor rating matters, good weapons and horses are much rarer to bother with automation and its possible unsuitable behavior. You cannot predict what certain player wants - blunt or most effective 1H weapon, quality or quantity of arrows. As you can see, majority of players, how shall I put this... not as me, prefer quantity over quality no matter what and if you'll program quality (even if it's actually better) they'll be upset. After all you cannot predict what type of battles they will be participating in early game - it's their choice.
IconracI said:
Gorvex said:
... If you are thinking about nerfing some stats or ammo account ...
As this will change items autocalc values -> units autocalc values -> kingdom balance needs to be rechecked, so won't happen.

NPCs selection priorities may be changed independently, that is why I am asking above question.
Oh, I see! Well, I never understood or liked that auto-equipment feature for companions... Even if it would work perfectly, how would the game know what kind of equipment combination (the looks) would I prefer for each of my companions? Thematically designed companions are so much cooler and a pleasure to look upon! Also, it takes a fairly short time to manage companions' equipment manually, which I personally find intriguing, and not a burden.
I am not using it as well - prefer to do it myself (that is why shortcut in Camp menu was added). But it is part of the mod already, so I can improve it a bit.

Quantity then.
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