[LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

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lothario said:
korpah, there is a difference between a Minister (which you can assign one of your comps to) and a Steward (which is always a certain NPC attached to a location).

Having a minister with high skills does not do much for you, but a Steward with high skills is awesome to have... which is why you can schedule a training session with them to improve them. Just about every non-combat skill is important for them... but Engineering can be said to be the most important, since it determines how fast they can build stuff. Don't try having them build anything at a location you own until you have trained them up at least once to your current skill levels in your party!


EDIT: ninja'd by Anddy

thanks again loth :wink:
Sporky said:
I obtained some veccavian mercenaries in a town, can anyone tell me if they're good warriors or not?

Their archers are pretty good and one of the men guards is above average in my experience while thh other is not so much (the one wearing padded gear I think)

Their mounted units are pretty good as well, quick, but unarmored so ranged fire might take them down fast if used unwisely.
Use power-tape to fix it up and you will be able to fire from cracked bow.
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-UDe_MnRBG5E/TvkiayFSNgI/AAAAAAAAB3k/U2kAqvn4wRQ/s1600/SANY1866.JPG Lololo :grin:

They probably had some rouge knight, they often use noldor bows that they bought at garage sale.
eh.. I just got looting to 14 (10 + 4)... finally! Right after I found the Noldor bow, I found some Lordly Plate Armor on a bunch of Forest Bandits! That was an easy 32k!

It pays to loot!
THat settles it, I'm restarting and rolling a high loot spec character.

What are your stats now though?
For some reason, I think that looting skill is broken somehow, cause when it goes over 10 (like 8+3 or 10+4) you suddenly begin to receive even less loot than with skill of 9 or less. I was playing for long time, and it was the issue even in native MnB.
I don't know. Mostly the loot is between 1k - 300 denars. But very occasionally you'll get some kick ass 32k armor!

It sure helps finding really nice lame horses for cheap. :wink:
Is the only reason for raising your rep with the barkeeper to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside?

Also, I'm trying to train Ansen into a lord. Yeah.... Well the idea is he and Roland will be my very first lords since they are good natured, but what skills will I need to give them?
Shingen said:
Hmmm.. I just noticed that adventures don't gain any XP from sparring in the training ground.

What gives?
The training grounds are almost useless, unless when starting out. Get into battles with easy bandits, that would give them more XP quickly.

Nierra said:
For some reason, I think that looting skill is broken somehow, cause when it goes over 10 (like 8+3 or 10+4) you suddenly begin to receive even less loot than with skill of 9 or less. I was playing for long time, and it was the issue even in native MnB.
Maybe it only appears so. The larger your party, the more troops that compete for the same loot, and the smaller your part. If you want plenty of loot, gather only your best troops and stash the fodder into a castle before going on a looting spree.
MadVader said:
The training grounds are almost useless, unless when starting out. Get into battles with easy bandits, that would give them more XP quickly.

I use them quite a lot actually, but adventures don't get any xp.. nada.. ziltch.

It doesn't matter really, 'cause it would take forever to train an adventurer to a hero adventure through sparring.
Shingen said:
Try here.

Are gold bars just trade items, or do they have other uses? First time I've ever looted a gold bar. :wink:

Sell it. Unless you like shiny objects in your inventory. But for me its usually armor I'm waiting for he stats to wear :grin:
I have squires from all directions( East,west,north and south and foreign,rogue) which one of them will become better knight...

or should i convert them in adventures??(Too costly)

I guess these knights are lot better than army you may assemble in early game(50 days)
clant said:
Is the only reason for raising your rep with the barkeeper to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside?

Also, I'm trying to train Ansen into a lord. Yeah.... Well the idea is he and Roland will be my very first lords since they are good natured, but what skills will I need to give them?

anyone knows the awnser to the above question?

training and leadership?
punj said:
I have squires from all directions( East,west,north and south and foreign,rogue) which one of them will become better knight...

or should i convert them in adventures??(Too costly)

I guess these knights are lot better than army you may assemble in early game(50 days)

Overall they are the same, with only some weapons and armor diffrence.
I turn them always in adventures. So i suggest you do the same.
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