[LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

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Scorpion assassins: Did some knighthood order quests with 80 of them against like a 100 strong adventurer party. Had them in square formation on a hill close together. They just got absolutely destroyed. They are useless against calvary,

It would be completely broken balance wise, if they could destroy cavalry  , since they murder pretty much everything else  -so, weakness against cavalry is merely balancing them and preventing them from becoming completely OP .
Hanikura said:
It would be completely broken balance wise, if they could destroy cavalry  , since they murder pretty much everything else  -so, weakness against cavalry is merely balancing them and preventing them from becoming completely OP .

Agreed, one allmighty unit is not a good solution but D'shar should have smth else in their pocket to perform decent. I participated in several lords battles and their army while good on paper just doesn't work in the field as it lacks staying power and has nothing to compensate. Cavalry, archers, infantry (as a whole, not top tier only) -- everything looks inferior in real battle just like in old versions.
I'll try spear animation submod + Brainy bots, hope this combo works better as kicks alone are good save from kisses with enemy swordsmen.

Another idea was to give "Crush through blocks" to some of the heavy polearms, but it'll probably be unbalanced in many unexpected ways (even if I enjoy watching Halberdiers working as a giant blender).
Surgery is essential, since it's the only way to be on par with the enemy lords. The latter restock their army pretty-pretty fast.

In my opinion, the most abusive skill is Engineer. Raising a ladder in a couple of hours allows for many siege attempts in a single day without allowing the enemy the chance to respond in time.
st_ryder said:
Fair enough. thanks.

Another question: how can I make the game more challenging? especially the battles. I dont use KO and CKO, no cheats and cheese.

The most challenging experience? Don't use companions. Rely on your own skills. Prepare for a world of pain, especially if medicine is not your thing.
Serazu said:
The most challenging experience? Don't use companions. Rely on your own skills. Prepare for a world of pain, especially if medicine is not your thing.

nice one. I might abandon my current playthrough because of scumbag fierdsvain king not giving me any fiefs and start a new game full of pain
st_ryder said:
Serazu said:
The most challenging experience? Don't use companions. Rely on your own skills. Prepare for a world of pain, especially if medicine is not your thing.

nice one. I might abandon my current playthrough because of scumbag fierdsvain king not giving me any fiefs and start a new game full of pain
More challenge - start your career as a foot solder.
st_ryder said:
Fair enough. thanks.

Another question: how can I make the game more challenging? especially the battles. I dont use KO and CKO, no cheats and cheese.
Create a female and hire only females .
st_ryder said:
Serazu said:
The most challenging experience? Don't use companions. Rely on your own skills. Prepare for a world of pain, especially if medicine is not your thing.

nice one. I might abandon my current playthrough because of scumbag fierdsvain king not giving me any fiefs and start a new game full of pain

how are ur relations with him? it helps alot
Guys just a random rant, but do you think we'll ever see some update to the mechanic of the unique spawns? I kind of like it, somehow it makes the mod unique, and in the end don't you have developed an affection for NPCs like Wolfbode or Maltise too? :grin:

I think what I would like seeing is mostly something that deepens the lore connection the unique spawns have. The existing ones I think are all fine, most of them somehow manage to give a good feeling that you're actually fighting someone who has a role in the world (Wolfbode, Maltise, the Noldor lords, Syla Uzas etc). I'd like to see maybe more spawns like these, and less of the random "600 guys invading merrily". Maybe also some kind of check that avoids annoying situations, like the one I have now where the area around Seven Cross Keep is infested by 3 different groups of 500 demons.

It would be cool if there was some kind of dialogue with at least some of these spawns as well. One idea that I was thinking about, is the chance for a spawn which is only engageable by the player (like the hired assassins I think, or the Jatu army in the Noldor quest) that is directly tied to the main character story. Maybe winning gives something different than the usual qualis gem / 100.000 gold rewards etc.

I don't know, I just think overall it's a pretty cool mechanic, simple but effective, maybe too rough. I kind of expected PoP would never get the last 2 patch versions or so, so I didn't give this much thought, but since development is actually far from dead, why not try to think about something cool that involves the unique spawns? Without reinventing the wheel, something that just adds on top of it.
st_ryder said:
Titanjones said:
how are ur relations with him? it helps alot

its almost maxed out and he offered 1 freakin village to me after 5 castles taken. does it make difference if I talk to lords and get their support to get the fief?

Yes you should talk to as many lords as possible, and especialy the king, and get their support. If the King and at least half a dozen lords support you, you should get the fief. Check your controversy too, you won't get anything if it's too high.
st_ryder said:
its almost maxed out and he offered 1 freakin village to me after 5 castles taken. does it make difference if I talk to lords and get their support to get the fief?
You haven't been? Well there is your problem, if the lords don't support you and he gave it to you he would lose relation with most of those who disagreed, if the lords support you he instead gains relation with many of your supporters.
A question about CKHO. My troops just won't learn power draw from the trainer. What could possibly cause this?

extra info:
My trainer has Power Draw 8 and Trainer 4, been training several weeks but my knights' power draw remains 3 (0 for sergeants). There was no trouble learning other skills.
I'm playing on a save from 3.8, patched to 3.8.2.

Daily chance to increase 1 point for Sergeants
= 2% + Trainer / 3 + (Skill Diff - 3)/2
= 2 + 4/3 + (8 - 0 - 3)/2

Assuming several weeks means three weeks, 21 days, your total probability of gaining zero points in that period is
(1.00 - 0.05:cool:^21

So you were more likely than not to have seen at least one point increase in three weeks, but you were not absurdly unlucky.

Your daily chance for knights is even less:
= 3% + 4/3 + (8 - 3 - 3)/2
= 5.3%

Note that Sergeant skill maxes at (Knight Skill - 1)

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