SP - General Leaving Kingdom as Mercenary penalty

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When leaving a kingdom as a mercenary we currently get -20 Penalty with ALL lords of that faction.
You are only a mercenary you shouldn't be losing this much relations, maybe lose -5 or -10 with THAT specific lord that you signed up with to be a mercenary.
Right now this is very exaggerated and I would like for it to be amended similar to as in Warband.

Just a suggestion!
Thanks for reading :smile:

Besides, when does the contract end exactly If dont want to end it myself? In Warband we had 30 days contracts, I didnt notice it in Bannerlord.
In general I feel that mercenary contracts and how they work should be looked at. I feel like a real world mercenary in Calradia would have a much better time!

- Low pay
- Endless contract
- Massive penalty for leaving contract
i want to be able to improve my relations with a lord/faction being a sell sword , free to leave and then come back to this later
I think that there is a bug that makes mercenary contracts behave like a feudal oath. In fact when you want to end the mercenary contract you have to choose the same dialogue option for stopping being a vassal.
I think that there is a bug that makes mercenary contracts behave like a feudal oath. In fact when you want to end the mercenary contract you have to choose the same dialogue option for stopping being a vassal.
Yeah, 'I wish to be released from your service lord'

Ain't my lord, just my employer!
+1 Really wish mercenary worked as intended. Unfortunately it's still not listed as a known issue.
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