Taleworlds New studio Construction - Updated - Happy Bannerlords 2 Years Anniversary

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What in the world happend with our accounts and Bannerlord got replaced with Bossgrug everywhere ?:smile:)

This must be 1st april at fault haha.
Haha this is actually funny! Gotta be a fourth moon klubheads thing :grin:
Ah wait they changed the names! Doh, im old and slow lol Hey to my defense maybe there was a user called Dah bonechewer, not unlikely :grin:
Where does all these "team grug" and "team dinosaurs" come from?
From TaleWorlds' interns, can you imagine being an intern and your boss intern says "hey, you're going to google 500 cavemen pictures and 500 dinosaur pictures, that's your job"
From TaleWorlds' interns, can you imagine being an intern and your boss intern says "hey, you're going to google 500 cavemen pictures and 500 dinosaur pictures, that's your job"
Our annual April Fools jokes are always coordinated by the forum staff. TaleWorlds have no idea what we're going to do ahead of time, so I'd imagine they're just as confused as you when they check the forums.
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