Is the download on the main site the latest, unnumbered patch?

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Sergeant Knight
Or do I STILL have to find it elsewhere?  Been awhile since I've played the original M&B so I thought I'd give it a playthrough, looking forward to playing one of the AoBP mods and maybe 1866 and SW:C. 

Just downloaded the game off of, but now I seem to remember that the true latest version wasn't previously the one downloaded from the site.  IIRC, both the actual latest patch and the previous patch are designated 1.011, but I had to download the latest patch somewhere else. 
Not positive whether the one listed is the correct one, but the "final" one is actually slightly smaller than the identically named 1.011 patch.

A lot of mods will "mostly" run with the other version, but the "better" version will suffer about 90% less crashes.  I've had 1866 crash on me roughly once in a week of 2-3 hours per night, while the older version lasted about 15 minutes between crashes.  I also ran a "large memory" utility (there are several available online for free), which allows older programs (such as M&B) to recognize system memory over 2Gb, boosting that to 3 or 4Gb.  The more recently patched versions of TLD wouldn't run for more than 5 minutes until I did that.
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