Is it worth it?

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I've always played the mounted lancer kind of guy and I'm looking to try something different for once. Is it worth it (funwise) to play a foot character instead of mounted?
All my characters have been foot soldiers.  Early stages I use the horse to help me evade enemies on the map and the battlefield.  It may take a while to get used to it but give it a shot.  Dismounting cavalry with side stepping blow is always fun.
Been a foot soldier is always fun. Especialy when you apply tactics into it with advancing lines of troops.
Make your own troop group and put the top tier Infantry in there and do advance 10 paces etc its good fun watching them butcher everything and been part of the line formation :grin:
Yeah of course its worth it...  :cool:
On horseback you just lance 'em or swing left and right, that's just not sporting.
But as a footsoldier you can almost feel the rush when you and your infantry crash into a group of enemies
and slash everything down.

I play Mettenheim style and it is really cool to see unfriendly cavalry crush into your infantry and drown in a sea of Greatswords,
plus it forces you to apply more refined tactics if you go the no cavalry route.
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