Need More Info Incorrect behavior of troops during a siege in version 1.7.2

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No, I didn't use any mods.
В версии 1.7.2 я нашел ошибку, при нескольких осадах подряд, на этой версии осаждающие резко начинают "отступать на безопасное расстояние" в произвольный момент. Она не отступает с объявлением поражения, а просто отступает назад и стоит там, бросив при этом ВСЕ свои осадные орудия и не подведя их к стенам.
Forwarded to the QA team for further investigation. We will reach out again if we need more information. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
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I cant read Cyrillic but finding it more difficult to take a city/castle due to one or two defenders not being found despite giving different groups 1-3, 1-4,1-6, orders, looking all over, opening all gates I find. This used to just need the above and time, but now I have to retreat and then re attack. This takes time, is annoying, and if there is a huge army waiting for the retreat and get you in a weakened stage, that is bad.
2. Ladders and siege towers sometimes work, sometimes just do not. Any hints on this other than a problem not fixed, moral, health, intercultural stuff?
3. Some of the siege commands are working better, e.g. a team GENERALLY will follow orders, but as I said, often a huge mass is stuck outside of the city doing nothing, no thing. Would increasing combatants in a battle help this?
4. Why so few names? "Ransome for xyz offer has arrived" XYZ of WHO?? Please put the faction in this message!
5. NPC says yes, I will marry you, go see my father. Father does not talk about marriage at all. I notice her older sister I did not speak to has the same name?
6. There are more but please fix these newer problem and inconveniences, thanks! :smile:
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