SP - General Im new but i have suggestions

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Hey yall i am new and im here with a cool few ideas some you mightve heard of and others maybe not
(I am merely just giving ideas)

So armor customization? Back in the days not only were you smithing weapons you were also making armors now you can only buy or sell armors so making our own armors would be pretty cool and historic as we could have our own piece of history with our armors and give them to companions or our childeren or set it up as memoir

Next i have a skill idea to strike dominance and fear into the enemies i was thinking in the tactical skill there would be the ability to have for:

Sturgians:shield beating and horn sounding which makes enemies do less damage

valadians:screaming and prayers to do more damage in battle

Empire:no ideas

Battanians: screaming and drinking to increase health by 5%

Aserai:no ideas

Khuzait:no ideas

Next idea

One yall definitely know about is NAVAL BATTLES this is so needed as this was such a big part of history there were many great naval battles and bannerlord could make it so wild as every boat could look so good with the different cultures i personally am always a viking

And the last idea is

War paint its so unfortunate that in game u can only choose between a scar or face paint i think it would be better to choose a scar if we want it and be able to go to the barber in the cities to add warpaint so we can have both!

So far those were my ideas/suggestions thank you for reading let me know what you think warriors Skål!
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