SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Idea: Empire factions having different Noble Troops

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A simple and cool way to make the Empire factions unique could be to give them their own noble troop trees.

Garios could keep the cataphracts to represent the military might of the west.

Rhagaea could have some sort of Royal Guard or Palace Guard to represent the monarchy.

Lucon could have some sort of Republic, Senate Guard or preferably a Sturgian Guard that anachronistically represents the Varangian Guard of the time period inspiration.
Sturgian Guard that anachronistically represents the Varangian Guard of the time period inspiration.

Great idea for a minor faction!

On Topic - I like that there are several factions with the same regular and noble tree.

Though, I would like more interaction with the minor factions!
A way to upgrade recruits into their trees. It could be a great way to add more individuality to the imperial kingdoms but also diversifying other kingdoms. Let the minor factions actively seek to get supporters in their associated factions. When a certain relation is reached, let recruits be upgraded into their respective branch.
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