Need More Info I haven't been able to log into multiplayer for 2 days.

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Summary: After the server crash on January 4th, whenever I try to log in to multiplayer, I get the error "Wouldn't recieve login results from server".
How to Reproduce:
Scene Name (if related):
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Computer Specs:
GPU:rx 570
GPU Driver Version:23.Q1.1
CPU:amd ryzen 5 2600x
Motherboard: msi b450m-a
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): 2tb hdd
Hey, i have been informed that this issue should be fixed by now. Can you please let us know if the issue is persistent?
Hey, if you can share your Bannerlord ID with me i can forward it to the devs for further inspection. You can share the info on this thread or directly with me via DM.
Hey, if you can share your Bannerlord ID with me i can forward it to the devs for further inspection. You can share the info on this thread or directly with me via DM.
How do we find our Bannerlord ID’s are they available for Microsoft accounts?
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