how to act?

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Big Batzo

Hello everybody, this evening i had for the first time a very bad experience in my opinion, this happened online on the co op server called Fun_server... basically there were like 6 or so players, they were all Turkish and with the names starting with TR_Capulcu_°name°...  and were insulting ,tk and submitting ban polls against any other player would join the server, now i do not know if that is their server or whatever, stays that they were acting **** for no reason...I've never faced a group like this so didn't know how to act, in this case is it possible to check their id and report this people? or how should i act?
I've tried to search this but nothing showed up...hope somebody can give me some advices for eventual future issues.
thanks in advance!!!
If it's not their serv try and locate the forum of the server by searching the server name in google, but make sure to get some screenshots first then report them.

If it's their server just leave the server and ignore them, people who act like douches should have no room in your life. So just ignore them and carry on trying to do what you want to do. They already lost the game of life :grin:
Exactly. No need to get in touch with those ppl. Sadly the entire WFaS servers are hosted privately. I think you are just able to report that guys on servers like the Westres or Barabe. For other servers you need the contact of an admin.

I remember them playing a lot on Barabe_EU_Duel since it is one of the most populated duel servers ingame.

If you know details about their ingame names give them to me so i can try to check on that server atleast.
thanks for the advices guys, will take screenshots if it happens again...for the names i can only remember TR_Capulcu_Mohamed, but as i said there were like 7 acting the same... thanks again :!: :!: :razz:
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