How deep does Bannerlord's strategy get?

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This thread is a bit much.

Crusader Kings is the “wrong game” for anything to do with fighting, battlefield tactics, and army management.

Total War is the “wrong game” for anything to do with role play.

The puddle memes could be used for any of them on any particular subject. If it was so easy to have the “super experience” some are saying should be easily done in a game, that game would already exist, and a few dozen times over.

That’s not to say you can’t hope, ask, assist, and report, but these forums have always been an over bearing gripe fest at the majority of the time. Probably came to its peak when the Johnny come latelys were *****ing that there was no Japanese or Meso-American factions ?
no cutscenes
There is one at the beginning. (Really wish we had the weddings like in the original though instead of just one click and you're married.

There are some legitimate points here, but there are some improvements. Armies, kingdom policies, being able to abdicate leadership (and create an endless cycle of conquering the world and re-conquering it). The character progression is better, and while the companions are generated (they kind of need to be as the game has children and aging), this also means you're not stuck with one fixed set of them for the entire game (And despite teh disgareements that can occur between them in Warband, you can get easily into a state where they all stay with you as long as morale is high so its kind of pointless). And unlike in warband, you can make them party leaders without giving them feifs, which offsets not being able to give out villages as feifs.

I feel like you make things sound a lot worse than they are. Yeah, there are a lot of things from Warband you could argue are "missing" here, but Banner.lord also does its share of new things.

(Why does the foru.m (???) change "banner.lord" to "bossgrug????")
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Bannerlord, unfortunately, is not intended to be too much deep; in fact, many features are still missing or taken away. Hopefully, there are many modders working to improve strategy and game mechanics, sooner or later.
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