Horse archers is bad game design

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Who the f**k likes chasing cavs that are running away from you while shooting you ? With Khuzait being op, this ruins the fun left in the game. This feels like having Mosquitos constantly roaming around you. My archers cant hit them for **** and my cavs stops chasing them to charge 12 vs 250 infantry and all get deleted. Fix : let us choose a class of targets for our units to tunnel vision on. Fking either remove or massively slow down horse archers because it makes native a steaming pile of garbage.
Who the f**k likes chasing cavs that are running away from you while shooting you ? With Khuzait being op, this ruins the fun left in the game. This feels like having Mosquitos constantly roaming around you. My archers cant hit them for **** and my cavs stops chasing them to charge 12 vs 250 infantry and all get deleted. Fix : let us choose a class of targets for our units to tunnel vision on. Fking either remove or massively slow down horse archers because it makes native a steaming pile of garbage.

So get your own horse archers. Historically horse archers were a game changer. Mobile artillery.
Who the f**k likes chasing cavs that are running away from you while shooting you ? With Khuzait being op, this ruins the fun left in the game. This feels like having Mosquitos constantly roaming around you. My archers cant hit them for **** and my cavs stops chasing them to charge 12 vs 250 infantry and all get deleted. Fix : let us choose a class of targets for our units to tunnel vision on. Fking either remove or massively slow down horse archers because it makes native a steaming pile of garbage.
A strategie that works for me is to give cav f6 command. That will make them protecting flanks and they mainly focus on the HA. Infantry shieldwall and square formation to make them arrow catcher. archers behind them obviously. Last but not least grab a Long Glaive or what ever you like and ride directly into the masses, then start slashing for your life. I personally dont like HA, got 50% archers, 30% infantry and rest cav. That works for me. Test it out if you like.
A strategie that works for me is to give cav f6 command. That will make them protecting flanks and they mainly focus on the HA. Infantry shieldwall and square formation to make them arrow catcher. archers behind them obviously. Last but not least grab a Long Glaive or what ever you like and ride directly into the masses, then start slashing for your life. I personally dont like HA, got 50% archers, 30% infantry and rest cav. That works for me. Test it out if you like.
Tried the F6, it helps, thx for the tip, at least our cavs dont charge headfirst into a shieldwall.
I hate horse archers too, but I hope to God that the devs don't listen to every whiny butthurt noob that posts crap like this. Next thing we're gonna hear is bAttAniaN fIan cHamPs Is bAd gAme DesiGn
As much as my initial reaction is "git gud" I see where you're coming from. I definitely think that if only horse archers remain in an enemy army, they should retreat. I've seen so many battles where there are 3 horse archers left just running around knocking people over for 3 minutes before they die. It's ridiculous.

Even judging the game by historical standards, horse archers historically weren't the ridiculous killing machines you see in games, they were a specialist part of some armies that was mostly used in the scouting and skirmish phase of a battle which games almost never depict. If an army of the world's best horse archers arrived in a battlefield as tiny as the warband ones and faced an army of shielded infantry, they would probably be forced to retreat. Even completely mounted armies like the Mongols, the Scythians and even the Oyo in West Africa had to coordinate horse archers with heavily armoured lancers, and they could fire literally millions of arrows over the course of the battle, refilling their quivers from a baggage train, and skirmish with an army for months.

Horse archers were a gamechanger, and every region of the world that had to deal with mounted nomads has been in turmoil since the 1100s, but the reason they were so dangerous is something you can't depict in a game like bannerlord.
Who the f**k likes chasing cavs that are running away from you while shooting you ?
when they are running away, they can't shoot you. considering they generally have no shields and weak armor, easy kills. before they used to charge at the beginning of a battle and it's annoying, now they just skirmish, which means they run away the moment you go to meet them.

honestly, i've never had a problem dealing with horse archers since March, i've had many different strategies all immensely effective vs them.

don't think the lack of ability of the player is the fault of the developer. the game is pretty balanced in this department. each faction feels unique and fighting them feels different which is what it should be.
If someone tells me how to package changes into a mod, I'll put all horse archers on sumpter horses (slow as hell) for you.


Concerning the main opinion, just turn your archers to the left side and use F2 to face horse archers and avoid flanking. These HA will get a lot of punishment.
Fix : let us choose a class of targets for our units to tunnel vision on.
this is a pretty good fix. viking conquest had it so we also know it's doable. if TW won't do it, i believe a modder will.
one more thing that compounds the issue is that the AI can upgrade into cavalry without consuming horses.
I usually don't use horse archers, so I wouldn't need them in the game (current campaign is an exception as I have a Khuzait archer companion and he needs some buddies at his side, so 5 out of 140 are horse archers), but I find it relatively funny to hunt horse archers. And of course it's good that they are in the game, because, you know, variety.

I think archery in general has to be toned down, my foot archers always score the most kills by far, and that's with a mod to make armor stronger and balance archery. Not satisfying.
my foot archers always score the most kills by far, and that's with a mod to make armor stronger and balance archery. Not satisfying.

Same here but playing vanilla. My foot archers always score the most kills in every battle.

There is an archery AI fix in the horizon, I really hope that this does not mean archers performing better in SP.
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