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Ok this is annoying now but every time I get married in my mod the wedding scene is messed the hell up and I dont know whats wrong with it.


Look no head, plus when you move the mouse your guy moves. If anyone knows how to fix this it would be great! Thanks!

sorry mate i really dunno what's happening, that's all i can tell you  :???:
Reinstalling it wont work because it has happened on three of my previous pc's. I think it happened in native once but that was on my first pc, but after that it was fine.
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If you can't fix it, why not simple disable it? Have a menu / dialog saying you are married, no scene.

If you fix it later you can always re-enable it
Yeh I could do this, but I just want to solve it. My mods called realistic mod so disabling one of the realistic things in the game kind of ruins it dont you think. Thanks for the suggestion anyway.
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chazzerberg said:
realistic things in the game kind of ruins it dont you think.

unrelated to the issue, but as you asked...

You are the mod designer, so it is up to you to decide what makes sense or not for it. The vision for the game. It doesn't matter the name you use (realistic, fantasy, historical, ...).

Realistic, as a example, can be a 1000 things. If, for you, and your mod, having a special scene for that event is important, then its important, not matter if others agree or not. Its your rules, your universe, and your call.
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