(get_party_ai_behavior,":ai", "$g_talk_troop_party"),

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This does not seem to work any more.  the "$g_talk_troop_party" does not seem to be set to the party you are talking to when you enter the dialog.  any ideas what has changed?
(get_party_ai_behavior) doesn't store the party ID, but instead what is the party up to in that time. (Going to siege, patrolling...etc)

If you want to store the leader of the party, use (party_count_members_of_type,<destination>,<party_id>,<troop_id>),...

right it seems the problem is with the "$g_talk_troop_party" variable. 

it seems to me this is not being set to the troop I am talking to at the start of the dialog so I can never check the ai behavior of that party. when I initiate a dialog from the world map.  the contents of "$g_talk_troop_party" always seems to be "0"

where does this variable get set when I initiate a conversation?
hmm well it seems this last update has broken a mod I was using.  I am going to have to dig deeper into this and trace the problem back to the beginning as it is not clear to me what is going on with his code.

I was hoping someone would have seen this sort of thing after the last update.
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