Flipping normals (faces) in wings3d?

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Master Knight
I have some items that when I import/export from wings end up with flipped normals. This is where the model appears to be full of holes as some faces are facing inward instead of outward. I know how to select them all and flip them all but this just reverses the problem. I need a way to flip them one by one and pick and choose. Does anyone know how?

Octoburn did it previously but I forgot to ask him how and hes out of touch for awhile.

The thing is, wings3d doesn't work with open geometry, so in a way, if only a few faces are flipped wings is going to have REAL trouble importing it. I would imagine the best thing to do is check out the importing options (by clicking the little box next to the import file type) or simply be re-exporting. With wings, flipping individual faces isn't really possible because wings likes to work with closed geometry.
EDIT: Thanks Yoshi. Nevermind, I think it was an issue with triangulating rather than the usual normals problem.  Triangulating fixed it. 
actually, it wasn't a case of flipping them a face at a time, it was an object at a time. when the professor made those helmets, they were made as many seperate "objects" rather than as a whole object and then made into one object (done in wings with the "combine" command) so it was a matter of selecting the whole helmet, using the "seperate" command and inverting the objects where thenormals were facing the wrong way. just in case someone runs into the same problem somewhere down the line :wink:
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