Faction leaders (and respective heirs) not marrying another npc lords anymore

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I came back to play this game again after a few months and found that now nobles marry each other, but apparently after 1.5.7 faction rulers and their female heirs don't marry anymore to npc nobles.

I was wondering if important faction members weren't suppose to marry and it got fixed in 1.5.8. For example, the daughter of the battanian madman Caladog and Ira from southern empire didn't marry in 1.5.9 but they did in my1.5.7 campaign. However, they still can be married to the player and siblings (removing them from the ruler clan). This may not be the intended design(?...
maybe they should be transfered to their clan since they should not leave their faction without the 'lore' heir?

Campaign created on main branch 1.5.7
Female heir of a faction leader gets transfered to another clan after marriage.

Same campaign 1.5.7
Faction leader marries a noble.

Main 1.5.9
Started a new campaign and after a couple in-game years it seems like it doesn't happen anymore. [not married = still in the southern empire]

If them not marrying anymore is an intended change, probably they wont have desendants if the player doesn't add them to their clan by marriage. Not sure if this only applies to default characters but if this always applies to ruler clans of all factions it could potentially prevent them from creating more npcs for the madmans that play over 60 in-game years.

Thanks for reading my mess, best regards.
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