Encumberance effect display

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Knight at Arms
I tried searching for this but cant.

I think it would be nice to have a number (a percentage?) of how much all the stuff u carry affect your running speed.

Or perhaps display your running speed in the inventory screen, so when you put on more armor you can see it change...

Coz rite now its not obvious how much affect a certain amount of weight you carry will have on your running speed.

Expanding on this idea a little, how about a testing range, where you can "Try-before-you-buy" with new weapons, just in case it turns out that the Balanced Claymore you bought is worse than the Chipped Bearded Axe you've been using.

The main thing I really want is an archery range though...
wow.  A thread composed entirely of good ideas...  I'll have to put a stop to this - how about a try-and-buy for horses and clothes, too - you can race a horse around the arena against xerina on a spirited courser....

And for clothes, you get to walk into the pub, and if no-one laughs, you know you look *cool*.
Haha, and if someone Whistles you know you bought the right one?

I like the encumberance display.. or atleast speed.  But seems kind of wierd haveing a MPH/KPH rateing. :smile: 

Would be neet to see your model standing there in the shop screen so you can try the clothes on.
Yeah, trying out clothing would rock. Countless times I've bought a chain coif or helmet just to see it doesn't match the colour of my armour at all.

And no MPH/KPH, maybe just a value like the map speed, say, your naked speed is 1 and then it changes with different clothes. Also, good leather boots should allow you to run faster than with bare feet.
I really hope running speed display will be added in future version of this game.

PS: Being able to try the outfit out before buying would be a great feature.

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