Do stats on your lords matter?

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Do stats like trainer, prisoner management, or leadership matter? I have seen lords with 20 charisma and 4 leadership carry elite troops of 500, as well as carry more than 50 prisoners. So do they even matter?
Well, implying that the stats don't matter whatsoever isn't wrong, but rather... Untrue. TweakMB suggests that leadership increases 'max' party size by 10 for each point, and 25 points of renown gives 1 max party size. However, this doesn't apply to prisoner stacks. A lord can carry a virtually infinite amount of prisoners around, and an infinite amount of troops, of which they take from the prisoner stack of a party they defeat. This also applies to every party on the map (I think).
AI lords do sort of obey a maximum (based on stat, skill, fiefs etc).

While they can take in infinite troops, if they're over this cap, they will start losing units (the opposite of reinforcing up to the cap)
Usefull lord skills:

Pathfinding (how fast their party moves)
Wound treatment (how fast their wounded units recover)

Minor advantages:
Ironflesh (gives the lord a better rating in autocalc)
Surgery (only has an effect when in an actual battle, not autocalc)

Not sure about these:
training (levelling up their units)
Engineering (how fast they build siege equipment)

very important is: Renown of a vasalized companion is dependant on the companions level. The higher his level, the more renown.
I asked about them training in the quick answers, but nobody responded.  I never really see enemy lords with high level of troops other then their faction troops.  Like HAs, or MAs, or anything past maybe a pendor footman/light bowman. 
I think training might actually help them reinforce faster.

But lord units don't level up (I think) they just get more units added to their stack.
Lords do in fact train units. I've often seen them run around with Pendor troops at the bottom of their stacks after long peace times - they can only have gotten these by training them up from freed peasants.

Also, as far as I recall all companions get a flat 1000 renown on being made lord - their level does not matter at all.
AI lord training is really bad if it exists, since there's only one of them and they have pretty low scores in it...

I guess it might let them upgrade a low level unit. But you won't really see them upgrade all their infantry into Sarleon Halberdiers.
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