Resolved Dissolving a party is impossible

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No, I didn't use any mods.


Grandmaster Knight
Summary: I found a button to dissolve a party of my clan. I took the leader's troops, and clicked it to dissolve. Instead of dissolving, the leader gathers troops and there is no way to stop this behavior. The same menu says her party is dissolving. I waited a day, no change. I tried to order/invite her into my party via talking her in the keep, but there is no such dialog option either.
Hiding the dissolve button under the 'change leader' menu option is a terrible UI design itself.
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Hiding the dissolve button under the 'change leader' menu option is a terrible UI design itself.
+1 I am embarrassed to say this took me several days to find. Days which I could have been trying to play, or have at least seen if disbanding the party fixed the overburdened to 1.0speed bug. Days I spent cursing the "special" programmer whom I had thought removed the button. Days which made me feel like a real dumbass when I finally found where the damn thing was hidden.
Hey, i have been informed that this issue is fixed on our development branch and the fix will be applied with further pathces. Thank you for reporting it in.
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