Need More Info Cursor will not move in main menu on xbox

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Xbox Series S
Summary:eek:pen the game and it ran until the main menu. Once it goes to the main menu, the game will run but you're stuck in the main menu. The cursor will not move. I've restarted the game and still will not work.
How to Reproduce:eek:pen game app on xbox series s
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We experienced something similar to this while development but it was related to remote control and it was not the case on the game while playing. Waiting for your reply!
We experienced something similar to this while development but it was related to remote control and it was not the case on the game while playing. Waiting for your reply!
Can confirm that reinstalling has made no difference.

After a number of attempts and leaving it a while, I have had successful access to the game again, which continues to be the only way that currently 'works'
I am on Xbox One version 10.0.22621 and have the same issue for the most part,
Since day one; many hours going no where.
1) Game starts all fine, but once i stop, i cant restart that game. "main menu is frozen" when the game reopens.

2) (Sort of fix) Delete Xbox saved game, restart game, don't let the Sync (cloud game) load, let the game open a new, "recalibrate screen" then it goes too "main menu".

3) if "main menu" is working, "close game" and then restart game and load the "cloud save" and most of the time the game will start working until it crash's a few hours in. "rinse & repeat" each time you open the game.

4) However it may freeze on the "calibration screen" "rinse & repeat all steps"

5) None of this may work, delete full game & reload. then load saved file.

And still this may not work, start a new "character" don't get too attached

Please fix, this sucks.
cheers Stu
The issue, My issue is 100% of the time. Tricky to say, it can take 45min to 1hr to load the game with the above method, that being said, Now i just delete the Xbox saved game/file first thing before stating the game and let the cloud version load in. commonly the game will start first time.

cheers stu
I've had this happen a few times but not often, it usually happens when I try using the D-pad instead of the analogue stick to move the cursor in the menus. (I'm playing on Xbox series X)
Im on Xbox and have had the same issue and found out what is wrong. After finding posts from people on steam having similar issues and resolving it by unplugging their controller - I tried plugging a mouse into my Xbox and it moved the menu curser.

However the issue is not fixed for controller, if you check the key bindings for the game they are now defaulted to keyboard / mouse and cannot be changed. An update is required to default the controls for an Xbox controller.
I just reinstalled the game and it’s now working as well, don’t really want to have to do this every time I turn off the console though…
I've had this happen in a loaded game after the update but that was because of a quick resume on the series X that once closed resolved it.

Does the game recognise if a controller is connected or not when you remove the battery whilst in the main menu?
Does syncing the controller to the xbox again or using a different controller help, what about changing profile in the main menu?
Have you updated your controllers in settings-devices and peripherals?
I've never used a mouse or keyboard so my settings key bindings have not changed; would deleting your local save revert those changes? Letting it cloud sync may just load the keyboard bindings again though.
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