Resolved Companion parties contribute troops to garrison

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My companion parties are contributing high tier troops to cities in my faction. Not a big deal if it's low tier units like recruits, but I gave them those high tier troops intentionally. This is a problem because I cannot visit a friendly town without losing some good units. Can this behavior be disabled for companion parties?

How to Reproduce:
Give units to companions. Visit a town owned by a vassal.

Media (Screenshots & Video):

Beta 1.1.2
My problem is:
My companions parties contribute to other people castles/cities garrison, but they don't contribute to MY castles/cities garrison.

Beta e1.2.0
This is very frustrating when trying to do a recruitment run in your factions territory as the leader of an army.

To expand on the above, this is most visible (and annoying) when leading an army. Both your companions and any other lords in the army will donate troops to cities or castles that are the same faction with the exception of those owned by the player. This means that if you lead an army on a recruitment run the make up of the army starts to be more weighted towards low level troops as although high tier troops are donated, only low tier troops can be recruited. This is especially annoying if you are trying are trying to raise cavalry armies and are using your own horses to do so.

I have noted that this also happens when you join an army and wonder if this is also contributing to the problem of lords having lots of low level troops in their armies?

It makes sense for lords to be donating troops to garrisons in order to gain influence or just increase the kingdom security however an army is a limited duration force normally raised to take a castle or city, or perhaps to just take on other armies, therefor it doesn't seem to make sense for lords to be giving away troops when in an army.

I'm assuming this is linked to making sure armies stock garrisons after taking them, but disabling this behavior for companions parties would still allow for the player to decide to take troops from companion parties and place them manually in the garrison.

Below is a very badly cropped example of an army before and after doing a circuit of the Khuzait starting lands going to almost every village(missed one or two) and every city. No battles fought and no main player recruitment.

Beta 1.1.3
This is also happening in my Beta e1.3 game. It is great that companions are now trying to fill their armies to capacity as much as possible, however, this is counteracted by the fact that they are then giving huge amounts away to garrisons. I have seen a companion give 33 troops out of their 101 troop army.
+1 This really needs a look at...

Donate troops to a newly conquered fiefs make sense. Why the **** are my companions donate troops to a 300-man strong garrison?? And all good troops too. Ridiculous!
Hello, thanks for reporting this issue. Unfortunately, we were not able to respond to this topic when this topic first created.
We believe that this issue might have been fixed since the creation of this topic. If you are still experiencing this issue on the latest live or beta versions of the game at the moment please leave a reply to this topic so that we can forward this issue to the team for investigation.
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