Cheats-Your Opinion

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It isn't fun to cheat. Once you cheat, your sort of addicted, until you realize "Hey, I'm invincible! What's HP for? What the hell is the point of fighting? I can kill them all with three fingers! No point to trading or robbing! Two fingers! Relationship? Pah, I'll pay my way!". It's one step from there to getting bored to hell.

I now play Good AI, Highest Damage(To AI and Friends). The only thing that isn't as hard as it could be is battlesize due to limits(Though actually I'd mow them down with calvary if I increased it) and parrying because I suck at parrying.

Actually, give me a sword that can stand up reasonably to the enemy armor and increase my mouse sensitivity to max. Nothing like a 360 degree cut to knock someone out. You don't need cheats if you devise workarounds. But if your honorable and refuse to raid and stuff.. Or have too low a trade skill.. Two letters. GG.
I always teleport to catch those Routed enemies (you bums are mine), and teleport when I'm just in the mood to go bandit hunting (for the shear joy of it) and I play with True Sight (I hate not seeing where everyone is), mainly because the game cheated me out of what was rightfully mine so many times due to bugs/glitches (no loot from capturing Castles/Cities - 'Come On Now!').
Oh yeah cheats are pretty necessary here. Sometimes I start off and just want to find my companions right off the bat, or be level 10 or 20 instead of 1 again. Other times I just want to get rid of the redundant leader stats. That's 30 points wasted alone for just leadership, prisoner management, and inventory.

Ctrl+F4 is necessary in sieging Yalen, or whenever an enemy is inside a wall. Much better than retreating and being punished by your picky companions for running away.

I'll use the restore health cheat in tournaments or melee fights when everyone decides to unfairly gang up on me instead of fighting each other like they should. I don't know, but I have some sense of honor in those fights. I'll let two people fight their battle, and then afterwards when the victor comes out I'll let him have his chance with me. Fair is fair. 5 guys with shields going after me with a bow and arrow on the other hand is NOT fair.

Then there's the teleport... traveling in this game can be pretty boring. When I had to resort to pulling out a magazine while I traveled from Sargoth to Durquaba I knew there was something wrong. It only got more painful after realizing the tournament I traveled all the way there for was canceled and is now in Suno! And don't you just love those Marshals who summon their vassals and mercenaries to meet them at a location, only to high tail it out of there immediately afterwards and expect you to know where they were going? I don't have the time to hunt him down, he could be in our own territory or he could've started the attack already I'll prefer to teleport to him the instant he summons me instead and save myself the grief.

All that said no side is right. And people can choose to do what they think is best, that's why there's a checkbox to enable the cheats or to turn them off.

medulio said:
I have never understood why people constantly use cheats especially to change stats , money etc...but in a game like this even is a challenge and it seems that there are people who cant hold the pressure..that is where the challenge is.
if you get stuck ask around for advice o look up a walkthrough , but changing the stats as I see people have done adding money etc,,,well it tells me a lot about a persons attitude..

Maybe people prefer something challenging where it actually matters like in real life. And go play games when they want to have fun instead? People finding their self worth through videogames and holding themselves in higher regard than other players shows me a lot about their attitude.
Only for test purposes. Otherwise it's no fun, game becomes boring really soon. Besides i love the feeling of accomplishment and with cheats its impossible :grin:

Tweaking some armor stats on other hand almost cheating too, but i still do it sometimes.
Downloaded yesterday Spak's items which included bow with 80 damage and arrows with +8 damage, gotta say its nice getting always one shot kills, but it's still cheating  :wink:
Hmm when I played Mount and Blade, I didn't cheat.  But with Warband, once I started cheating I just had to continue.  I mean once you use teleport, travelling is too damn slow.  Also I use the cheats to get the best equipment for my party.  Then I pack my castle with my favourite troops.  I have about 1000 men in Allburg. 

After destroying Swadia for that donkey King Ragnar, I have been waiting and waiting for him to declare war on the Vaegirs so I can take Rivacheg and Curaw.  I love the dungeons in Curaw, they are my favourite!!

I didn't want to cheat, but if I didn't cheat it would take too damn long to destroy Swadia.  I generally don't cheat in battles, preferring to duke it out; especially in sieges.  That's unless I'm overwhelmingly outnumbered like 1000 to 100 men.  Then I have no choice.
only on profacy of pendor (i cant remember how to spell it at the moment).
Only time I didn't cheat was the first time I played native but I had all cavalry army so it was kinda cheating anyway since I couldn't lose any battles. Since then I have never used cavalry but I always cheat to save me time(transport, money and kill troops I cba or just can't fight).
If I use cheats then I have a single save dedicated to cheats. If I start a game without intent to cheat, I never cheat on that game.

Unless you consider "exit without saving" cheating. And playing on easy cheating. But I only do that because I suck.

As for my current cheating game, I've made a necromancer on the Blood mod who I constantly use cheats with. Fun for stress relief and such.
The teleport cheat is very helpful, especially when looking for a certain item. Just teleport to each town, see ifit is in one of them, if not wait a day or two (in game of course) and teleport around again.
KidKoala said:
I have my own troop-edited version of Warband which is more or less cheating - I just changed all the things that bugged me. Upgraded all of the skills of my companions so I don't have to bother arsing about leveling them up, nerfed marmedukes and a few other troop classes I found annoying and changed the Khergit troop tree: Khergit Horsemen to Khergit Infantry; Khergit Lancers to Khergit Guards and Khergit Horse Archers/Veterns to Khergit cavalry with a random mix of weapons so they're not all horse archers.

I also sometimes import a maxed out character with millions of Denarii if im in the mood to go around on a rampage, I still leave cheats disabled though because I get bored very quickly if I just teleport and ctrl alt F4 all my battles.

Wait how did you edit troop types? I would like to find out, thanks

PS: On topic, I'm addicted to [Ctrl]+Click teleporting .. the rest I can do without
Don't do it, it makes the game soo much borering. Kids I'm serious it's a like a drug, don't get tempted :razz:.
Ok, I've made an uber character with millions of denars through char export file, plus editted 12 companions and gave them some uber stats (and new names).  Then, with the best weaps and armour I can afford I go attack huge armies with just the thirteen of us on easiest damage.  Oh yeah, it feels goooood.  Then it gets old and I go back to my real game where I'm selling leather gloves to feed my army and laying off my Vaegir knights to save on wages.  Not to mention cowering under the siege tower blind to the attack because I got smacked by two arrows as soon as I took one step forward.  Poverty and vulnerability suck, but it makes the game a lot more involving.
i tried the ctrl+click teleport cheat and i instantly fell in love. im trying to curb use of it though. now i only use it to access the chest in rivacheg as my closet for changing armors every now and then
I always neglect to put points into pathfinding, thus I teleport. It gets damn boring trying to run down other parties.
Cheats are like drugs.

You feel frustrated about the things you are too dumb to cope with
Then the temptation comes.
And for the first few days, you feel its power. Its exhiliarting!

...and then, from that point on, your gaming experience drops down to below zero, and you're totally hooked to it so you can't play it the normal way anymore and have any fun.

In the final days, you end up deleting the game from your hard drive.

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