can u please add a "warspear" weapon

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hi devs, can u please add a "warspear" weapon
like the one was in warband,
i love it so much
<<< i took a photo with it see <
it can swings and can be used with shields,

come'on , this is mount & blade
i never expected to meet this problem

please give ur hardcore players what they want,
i swear more than 5 of my friends purchased the game because i told them
i played +3600 hours in warband
bought every mount blade game and dlc was made

i just can't swallow the fact the game doesn't give us that option,
mount and blade supposed to be the top sword game ever, and supposed to feed our lust for medieval combat.

it's a baby cry thread, it's weird i don't do this
but i need this more than anyone could imagine
thousands of hours me loving my spear,
pass this to the team and think about it
I think all 2h spears should still have the left and right swings (except for lances).

Side swings would deal slightly reduced blunt damage like Warband.
We have spears in the game? And if you want one that swings sideways you've got the menavlion.
we do, but they don't use swings, they are designed for specific thrusting only combat and they suck when 1vs1
and about the menavlion:
-only 1 faction have them,
-they can't be used with shields "im MP"
-they cut hard but they are very slow, (they feel like an axe, not a spear)
spears supposed to be feint-able with an extreme amount of speed but lower damage
"marshal art style when 2handed"

warspear was very balanced, little damage everywhere but very versatile
example: at 1:35 warspear

i'n not comparing bannerlord with warband at all (not the point)
i'm comparing only the role of spears and polarms,
bannerlord added the upper thrust which is amazing
but locked some fighting options with spears
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and about the menavlion:
-only 1 faction have them,
-they can't be used with shields "im MP"
-they cut hard but they are very slow, (they feel like an axe, not a spear)
This sounds more like a frustration with the restrictive class system leading to limited weapon availability.

spears supposed to be feint-able with an extreme amount of speed but lower damage
"marshal art style when 2handed"
That's definitely not the design intent for spears in Bannerlord. If you check their weapon handling you'll see they're very low across the board.
The usefulness of polearms in Bannerlord is drastically lower compared to Warband, for sure, but some of this is due to horse rearing issues and damage balancing. Hopefully they shape up.
This sounds more like a frustration with the restrictive class system leading to limited weapon availability.

That's definitely not the design intent for spears in Bannerlord. If you check their weapon handling you'll see they're very low across the board.
The usefulness of polearms in Bannerlord is drastically lower compared to Warband, for sure, but some of this is due to horse rearing issues and damage balancing. Hopefully they shape up.
they got an up attack now, if they had the same dmg they would be very strong... A musket would be nice to see.
Strongly Agree. I love warspear too, especially in persistent world. It's awful that these spear in Bannerlord don't have the left and right swings.
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