CALRADIAN REALMS - M&B: Warband Clan Listing

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Kittenhuffer said:
I'm going to put some other fonts for the clan name for clan admins to choose from [...]

Please post here if you'd like to see another font implemented that doesn't look completely ridiculous (Comic Sans, I hate you.)
I have to say, fabulous job on the site.

A little suggestion, Maybe you could change the relations a bit? Maybe change them to how Knights of Honor (the game) has it...

Not sure what the names are but here is what it  could be like.. From worst, to best...

Fued, Troubled, Uneasy, Neutral, Resptectful or Calm (which ever sounds better), Friendly, Allied..

Those relations sound and look better imo... And more to choose from :wink:

Edit: The default Relation should be Neutral..

Edit #2: This should be a Sticky.
Also, allow members to fill out their personal information perhaps?  Fedora is never gonna add our steams and what not. 
COGlory said:
Also, allow members to fill out their personal information perhaps?  Fedora is never gonna add our steams and what not.
True, I dont have the time to fill in everyones info, nor do I have everyones info
Perhaps allow us to register, and then have the clan leader confirm us with a person on the roster, and that gives us permission to edit that persons stuff.  So this way no one can change Voso's email to Marnid's.  :razz:
COGlory said:
Also, allow members to fill out their personal information perhaps?  Fedora is never gonna add our steams and what not. 
Go to the HOBOSITE, I put up a thread on this and it has the admin PW. From there you can change stuff around. Though it would be easier to have somebody be able to edit their own thing.
Styo said:
Those relations sound and look better imo... And more to choose from :wink:
I'd like some silly ones too, it's hard to explain our relationship with CoR.
Kittenhuffer said:
I'm going to put some other fonts for the clan name for clan admins to choose from, because I've noticed that the Old English Style is really horrible if your clan name is using a lot of HOBOCAPS. Am I doing it right?
Verily, but we don't use HOBOCAPS much anymore.
FedoraMcQuaid said:
Friendly or Calm

I say keep it at that..
Styo said:
I have to say, fabulous job on the site.

A little suggestion, Maybe you could change the relations a bit? Maybe change them to how Knights of Honor (the game) has it...

Not sure what the names are but here is what it  could be like.. From worst, to best...

Fued, Troubled, Uneasy, Neutral, Resptectful or Calm (which ever sounds better), Friendly, Allied..

Those relations sound and look better imo... And more to choose from :wink:

Edit: The default Relation should be Neutral..

Edit #2: This should be a Sticky.
The idea with relations is that clans should fill them in if they have a "special" relationship with that particular clan - if they haven't had significant interaction with a clan, then it should be left blank. Having a default state of relationship listed for all other clans would make the list very long and unwieldy if most of the community decides to register - imagine having a relations list of 75 clans, where maybe 65 are "neutral".

COGlory said:
Also, allow members to fill out their personal information perhaps?  Fedora is never gonna add our steams and what not.
That would require us implementing individual logins for every member, which is quite a large project. It is definetly something we'll think about for the future, but for now we've decided to keep it somewhat simplistic so we can focus on getting everything up and working as it should. Think of filling out the information as an investment - you only have to do it once, and then it's there. The only time you're going to have to add member information for ~50 members is when you first register your warband, after that you'll be doing it with one member at a time.
True, Now that I think about it, I rather not read all the neutral relations.. I rather read who is uneasy or calm with on another.... Good point thankss  :razz:
More relations could be added, there's no problem with that.

The only reason we just added "rivals" as a "bad" relations is because we don't want to encourage fighting/flaming between clans, even though it'd mostly be a joke kind of thing. If people want it, sure we'll add them. I personally don't have any problems with it.
Cool site. Adding irc:// on there now.

I don't see any specific place for voice chat info? Might that be added? Also, is there some way to change the order in which members appear on the preview page? I accidentally added myself first, but I'd prefer it to be alphabetical.
okiN said:
Cool site. Adding irc:// on there now.

I don't see any specific place for voice chat info? Might that be added? Also, is there some way to change the order in which members appear on the preview page? I accidentally added myself first, but I'd prefer it to be alphabetical.
Exellent point okiN. It would be nice to have Vent / TS3 info for clans.. That way if I need to speak to a leader of the clan I can just join their TS3 or Vent..
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