Bring M&B Bannerlord II to consoles

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We, the console players are a huge community waiting for this game come to console?
I will get lot of **** for this but I have to say it... Take that console and one hammer and... then buy something what is meant for real gaming.

All this consol porting is taking away precious time from the devs because some players made a bad decision at some point in time.
If you did not realized it yet, I'll tell you. You will never get the same quality of experience on console ever!
That is what is taking place right now.
Gawd, I most definitely would not have bought this game had I known that. I was thinking we were at least a year out from release because of how shallow it is. Now I am starting to think this is it, just to fit in consoles, and that they will release in a few months. Thankfully the mod community believes in full featured games.

I don't buy ports. Cyberpunk is a damn good example why. There is a list of trash port games.
We, the console players are a huge community waiting for this game come to console?
can you even post on the forums through consoles??

Sad we will suffer because of console. it seems like an A-hole decision. They sold a ton of EA PC copies - they should focus on making the PC game as it is intended for PC.

IF they wanna do EA for consoles, let them do that - but DONT MAKE THE PC COMMUNITY SUFFER TWICE.
Some of the responses here are embarrassing PC elitist bullcrap.
Get some perspective and realize that a lot of people only play on consoles and will never get a gaming PC.
Of course Tale Worlds should release the game on consoles once it's done. That's a lot of revenue that they'd otherwise leave on the table. This money can then be invested into the game, free updates and DLC development.
They should have made Bannerlord console exclusive since they are unable/unwilling to make a complex game for PCs.
Some indie developer will eventually make a better PC game about medieval mass combat and it will be sooner than Soon.
How many times are those 2 people gonna buy the game though.

It's a bad business decision in every way not only because the port will be terrible,buggy and **** in every way it will bring many more ****posts on the forums for a version which will at most only sell 200k and the cost would probably be way higher not to mention that the team would get split even more and I doubt that the console version will ever get updated with bug fixes and patches if it releases at this point unless PC js in a good shape which is where most of the money comes from I highly doubt if released at this poiny would ever be updated and for PC to get into a goods spot its gonna take years and will not be anything close to worth it neither for TW as a company or players who buy it.

At the end of the day a company is made for profit doing something that won't bring profit or positive reputation to TW is not worth it and since TW is a private company meaning no investors there is no one pushing them the console version of bannerlord will end up just like its warband counterpart broken,featureless,cheatless, multiplayerless (although considering bannerlords ****ty MP it doesnt matter much) and modless
And being hardly updated to fix issues or ever bring thise things in.
Here, use some:

Anyway, IIRC mexxico recently said he needs to spend a couple of days for console optimisation. And since he is the only guy talking to the community, I'd say a console port is very much confirmed.
They should have made Bannerlord console exclusive since they are unable/unwilling to make a complex game for PCs.
Some indie developer will eventually make a better PC game about medieval mass combat and it will be sooner than Soon.

Ah yes, just like the fiasco that was "Of Kings and Men", abandoned in the gutter, just like our expectations for Bannerlord.

Leadership and direction is one of the things that differentiates game companies from modders, and it is usually a pro in favor of game companies, but not when it comes to TW. They have good people that want to do right by Bannerlord but sadly those people are not decision makers, which is why I would rather take a chance that someone or a group of people will use the foundations TW will eventually deliver and put out something that looks like the game we expected Bannerlord to be, in the form of mods. I would have expected modding to be a great source of ideas for game designers, but it seems there were easier choices...
They should have made Bannerlord console exclusive since they are unable/unwilling to make a complex game for PCs.
Some indie developer will eventually make a better PC game about medieval mass combat and it will be sooner than Soon.
Agreed 100%. If they want to dumb it down for console then sell it there only. Again, I would never have bought this had I known. We can wait for someone who actually wants to make cutting edge stuff that inspires devs and players alike.
I would say YES if I can play in ultra settings using a 499 dollars 12tflops console which supports mouse and keyboards (I mean Xbox Series X).
If you can play it at max settings on a potato then the game is a potato both graphically and depth wise.
Unfortunately they are developing PC version to be same as console version, which should be considered a crime in the gaming world.

Actually there are people who want us to change AI to make less calculations than now (even they say AI can randomly can give up evaluation of some targets - which can result in total disaster) because it seems we need to get 30 fps at consoles.
They should have made Bannerlord console exclusive since they are unable/unwilling to make a complex game for PCs.
Some indie developer will eventually make a better PC game about medieval mass combat and it will be sooner than Soon.
I doubt it. Warband spin-offs proliferated to what amounts to sub-genre at this point but none of them were that close to Warband. Either they tried to be Warband but sucked or they were good games that chose to abandon part of what made Warband (Battle Brothers, Freeman) or both (Girl's Civilization).

Bannerlord is probably going to be the same, unless you can find some "indie" studio with like 60+ staff and a couple of years of dev time to burn on a bespoke engine that supports mass battles.
...Ravenscourt Studio is the publisher of WB on PS4 for EU...
...Mustafa Korkmaz is the dev who working on the port...

Updated: Jab was right.

Guys, can't we stop console pc war at here?
Let us focus on the topic.

There is an important thing we should know that is the Warband console version is not made by TaleWorlds itself, and it's by the Ravenscourt Studio.
Maybe same to the Bannerlord console version. It might be TaleWorlds to finish the development on the Bannerlord, then deliver to other company or studios to moving it to consoles.
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They should have made Bannerlord console exclusive since they are unable/unwilling to make a complex game for PCs.
Some indie developer will eventually make a better PC game about medieval mass combat and it will be sooner than Soon.

I would have never bought it until it was released (since consoles dont seem to have EA) - why go along for this ride if its straight off a cliff?
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