BOP 627 BC signups

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Welcome aboard then. I hope your first bop experience will be good. Massalia is an interesting, if somewhat isolated, choice.
The 1884 hosts tell me you're good. :razz: Welcome to more bop.
Harkon Haakonson said:
****, this is tempting.
You know you want to hark :wink:

In other news though, while it is nice to see people interested in playing the city-states and colonies I do need the majors and preferably a good chunk of the secondaries filled. Assyria and Egypt have been claimed but Lydia and Urartu haven't.
Blas de Lezo y Olavarrieta de Cartagena de Indias said:
The 1884 hosts tell me you're good. :razz: Welcome to more bop.
I don't know about that, I've only done one turn.

I could take on the role of Lydia if it were really needed.
Lady Angelina Monewden-Ashill-Lawshall Saxton said:
I don't know about that, I've only done one turn.

I could take on the role of Lydia if it were really needed.

I leave that entirely up to you, I'm willing to start without Lydia. Changed my mind a bit.

As of now, this is the likely player list:
1 Teo - Anatolian Cimmerians
2 Ev - Bosporan Cimmerians
3 Draorn - Medes
4 Alma - Egypt
5 Aust - Assyria
6 Arc - Etruscans
7 Grik - Athens
8 Doom - Rome
9 Moose - Anshan
10 Grimm - Babylon
11 Curio - Kush
12 Angel - Syrakusa/Lydia
13 Coffe - Kition
14 Crimson - Sparta

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