Been testing the game on vanilla - what's up with the AI real-time ominiscience?

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I don't believe this is the case ATM for any pc game with thousands of independent ai parties active simultaneously in a sandbox. I suspect it will only be the case for pc games where the number of active parties is small/manageable. It's unreasonable (or disingenuous) to discount practical difficulties and accuse the Developers of laziness for optimising their game to their published minimum spec hardware.
I'm not discounting any practical issues - take Total War campaign map VI or even CK campaign map VI - they try to approach a simulacrum / emulation of what a "living organic" human would do - be as it may, TW doesn't show any concern about doing so - much of the VI in BL, in fact the entirety of it is 100% of the time behaving like a bot, at face-level. This shouldn't be. Now, independently of how many parties, BL does have the capacity of supporting such a emulation of behavior, they even have the foundations laid in-game with thing such as personality traits (that are theoretically meant to govern AI behavior / decision making) and they do have the hint of info gathering even within in-game quests.
Would it be difficult to implement? Idk - didn't delve with the game's limitations - but it has been done before. Even if they hit walls on limits it is possible to be creative to, again, emulate these things - doesn't matter if the AI knows, what matters is how it responds to things.
If you take a closer look the entire game AI works like that - flawless and relentless like a bot - even in those bad board games they've added... I even mentioned in another topic that most of these games work like tic-tac-toe (# game) where there are draws/stalemates and the game doesn't read those unless there are zero movements left - this means in some you'll play forever because the AI doesn't bulge nor you - or you are forced to forfeit because there's absolutely no way of beating it due to how the game works and how the AI behaves. - transfer that to everything else and you'll see the pattern - AI armies will switch targets on the fly even if they have absolutely no way of knowing there were reinforcements placed somewhere - they'll dance around constantly with backdoor sieging - so on so forth...

Take that further and start watching AI vs AI and you'll see why the game feels so uncanny. All AI does is play numbers game and act accordingly - as such the game doesn't present a proper atmosphere, breaks immersion and detracts any possibilities of their NPCs feel organic or their world feel "alive"... It's in the core of it all and the main reason why the game feels dead unless we're distracted with mechanics that work like mini-games (leveling up - leveling up companions - gathering numbers as in renown, relations, troops, cash, etc) - it's not like say CK where we can find enjoyment at watching the AI - beefs among dynasties developing, characters acting out on very human reasons as declaring wars due to rivalry, murdering others, etc... In BL it's basically "does faction X have low relative numbers?" "if yes declare war, if no don't declare war" - "is random_fief_300 with low garrison?" "if yes siege, if not don't siege" - what should go on instead would be something like "do I have a rivalry with this faction? Does this faction own lands of my culture? can I take them on?" "weight answers - if mostly yes, declare war - if none are true, no war" so on so forth. Sure it could become stale overtime but that's the reason why adding meaningful relations and non-battle features to the game would be quintessential - as such beefs could arise from numerous elements that are already in-game - like a guy stealing away another lord's 'love' - having village disputes - having crimes* (which's the reason why I got excited about gangs - in the end they are just there for no reason) - having lords develop beefs due to raiding - etc... basically adding actual medieval politics into the fray + "human relations" among all NPCs. Without that the game's completely pointless.

In WB we had something of the sorts going on the background - it was never enough or really flushed out, but it was there, in BL there's absolutely nothing of the sorts...

Anyway - I hope I was successful at making my line of thinking clearer.

TLDR: AI should act on a simulation of personality and reasoning - not numbers and anti-player. Without that the game's bad and will remain bad until it changes.
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Which ways? We get different kinds of Intel in different ways, including the instant omniscience you're complaining about. Example of this, is how we instantly get a notification that a lord made an army and we can even pin-track them.

The other way we gain Intel is by taking the initiative and go to certain directions ourselves. Both humans and AI can't do this without data. Humans have several ways to deal with this. First is by memory. We remember that fief A is such and such and make a decision based on that information. The info is not up to date, but it can be used. Now, should we implement this kind of memorization for the AI parties? No. That would be too heavy both memory-wise and computation-wise. Not to mention how error-prone it is.

Second is by intuition, which is really just a more extended and compiled memory. We can feel like taking this fief is safer and stuff. It all comes from our life-long experience and common sense. Can we program this into AI? Yes machine learning exists, but it needs way more data than the first method. One way to make it lighter is by hardcoding the model, but this approach is not practical either because this is a moddable sandbox game. The AI needs to be flexible.

Your other suggestions such as mercenaries having a separate intel system, saying messenger getting intercepted is good, supply lines, etc are impractical. Not everyone wants that level of difficulty. Many people will find it annoying when their messengers always get intercepted. You also ignored how I said it will be too heavy. You don't realize just how ridiculous it can get. A single party will dispatch one party to every single party it wants to communicate with. The map will be flooded, and the number of errors that can happen is enormous.

Look, I hope you won't get offended like last time, but this is exactly why I brought up your lack of coding abilities in the past. You don't see whether a suggestion is practical or not. If you were an engineer, you would. The problem with you not being a coder is that you can't get the details on data and its functions correctly. Like this omniscience thing. It actually only boils down to when AI should get certain data and when they should act on it. If you were a coder you would know how risky and error-prone it is to defer a task asynchronously. You would know it's more practical to have the current real-time information system. It's more accurate and less error-prone. By extension it's also easier for modders to work with it.

You talk about being a good sport when it comes to discussion, and while I doubt it due to your past behavior, I will assume you really are a good sport and say this. Your kind, non-engineers who think you know it all, is actually a big problem in this industry. Giving an impractical but good-sounding suggestions often ruin a development. Because management will like it, but it's actually impractical. It's a waste of time to implement impractical suggestions and it will cause problems later.

Most of your complaints are of this nature. You complain that such and such aren't "up to standard," "not realistic," or "AI aren't actually smart." Well that's what software engineering is really about. Faking stuff. We can't implement reality 1:1. Instead we model it. AI is also not supposed to posses actual intelligence. It just needs to act like it is intelligent. I'm saying all this not to take you down. All I want is to teach you that you don't actually know it all, nobody is, so be more respectful. It's just nice for everyone. Don't you realize that you offend people everywhere you go and that people are ignoring you now? It's because you're disrespectful. It's not about snowflakes. People just don't want to talk to you. You're free to doubt my intention, but at the end of the day, discussions are not going anywhere if you keep ignoring practicality.
well the idea was simple: Ai gets a radial access to intel around other AI parties under certain range (so if a nutjob AI from vlandia is at baltakhand they'll stop sending intel) - Minor clans (mercenaries) simply send zero intel - this would already mitigate the artificial feeling the AI presents rn.

An alternative would be to let them receive intel based upon our intel - in a way such as giving, again, radial information as long as an "alarm" set off - meaning they gather intel from armies and when getting attacked from the surrounding area under attack.

I personally don't see that as an issue, and both options have the potential of mitigating the artificial feeling the VI currently passes. It would also prevent AI from cheating without having to program deliberate handicaps to it

Another alternative's to handicap AI, so you create variables that determine if the AI should react or not - so when the AI receives the info that a massive party is nearby their target the code forces them to ignore it preventing real-time choice shifting - creating openings for more believable behavior + adding tactical flair to the game.

Currently the entire game's a dull sandbox with a robotic atmosphere where the entire system feels rigged against the player - so much so that we lack choices, we either go with the tricks to manipulate the AI or we stagnate. - if you observe all the conquest strategies (the ones that make it actually effective) they all have tricks to fool the AI and stop your allied AI from sabotaging you. It ranges all the way from creating trap fiefs to forcing a perma army with your clan parties all the way to policies that stop your vassals from forcing the player into really bad positions.

empty the game from mods, cheat your way into late game, and watch what the AI does (and I mean it), anyone who has played enough already knows that the entire VI works against us, allied and otherwise.
Very annoying. I keep my family in a constant army and only deploy them in person and back onto my army because of this.

It's been many years since I played Warband, but I remember correctly, that was the nice thing about having a Marshall who lead and was asked to lead an army. Rather than two rando's just starting their own instantly and then wandering the map picking up troops.

It should be a Marshall or Marshalls are appointed prior to a war being started by the invading army and it is up to them to gather the troops and food prior. Maybe there would be a cash injection from the treasury to help.

If on the defensive against an invasion, it should just be a message asking "XYZ has declare war on our kingdom, King/Queen ABC has appointed you as one of the Marshall's to defend the southern front until further notice."
It's been many years since I played Warband, but I remember correctly, that was the nice thing about having a Marshall who lead and was asked to lead an army. Rather than two rando's just starting their own instantly and then wandering the map picking up troops.

It should be a Marshall or Marshalls are appointed prior to a war being started by the invading army and it is up to them to gather the troops and food prior. Maybe there would be a cash injection from the treasury to help.

If on the defensive against an invasion, it should just be a message asking "XYZ has declare war on our kingdom, King/Queen ABC has appointed you as one of the Marshall's to defend the southern front until further notice."
What I'd like is 1 marshal who you can ask to do things or set priorities for siege, and then let other lords make their armies too. But also have a toggle on/off for allowing you clan mates to join other armies and IMO you should have some basic command over them too like 'fallow me" "reinforce X fief" "patrol X Y Z fiefs". Or, in stead of a marshal (or in addition) maybe you set a request and prize for a certain siege target. Something to get you brain dead AI vassals to do a little more of what you want sometimes.
What I'd like is 1 marshal who you can ask to do things or set priorities for siege, and then let other lords make their armies too. But also have a toggle on/off for allowing you clan mates to join other armies and IMO you should have some basic command over them too like 'fallow me" "reinforce X fief" "patrol X Y Z fiefs". Or, in stead of a marshal (or in addition) maybe you set a request and prize for a certain siege target. Something to get you brain dead AI vassals to do a little more of what you want sometimes.
Isn't that toggle the offensive/neutral/defensive mode?
When I put my clan member parties on defensive they rarely join an army.
I don't think so, I think it's 100% on the AI to spend influence to summon them. It is possible though I guess, I'm not going to try 1000 times to see what % the chance is.
Hmh, well they do occasionally get drawn into an army, when the party is big enough or the defensive positions too far back in the kingdom to be needing defending. But when the clan's fiefs are on the outskirts of the kingdom and in need of the occasional defending against a raid or something, the defensive clan parties tend to stick around instead of attacking.
But that's just my observation, haven't put a tally down or measured it in any way.
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