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Sergeant Knight
The Battle of Pevensy

King Ballista advanced to the eastern Saxon province only to be confronted by a joint army of Jutes and Saxons led by the Jute King, Arius. Ballista decided to fight, and outnumbered 2 to 1, after much hard fighting, King Ballista won a victory for the Britons.


King Ballista of Regia defeats King Arius of the Jutes
Arius retreats to his capital in the east
Ballista captures the eastern Saxon province for the Britons


Takeda_Shingen said:
The Battle of Pevensy

King Ballista advanced to the eastern Saxon province only to be confronted by a joint army of Jutes and Saxons led by the Jute King, Arius. Ballista decided to fight, and outnumbered 2 to 1, after much hard fighting, King Ballista won a victory for the Britons.


King Ballista of Regia defeats King Arius of the Jutes
Arius retreats to his capital in the east
Ballista captures the eastern Saxon province for the Britons


                                                                          The Battle of Calleva

  Dryhten Aethel Freawining of Cantwara hastily marched upon the eastern marches of Regia, and found resistance to his raid from the powerful Murtagh ap Morfael , near the Roman fort of Calleva.


- Aethel's forces are smashed and sent reeling home by Murtagh.
- Murtagh's proud warriors are inspired by their victory and proclaim their leader as an Imperator of old, clamouring for Murtagh to take a crown.
  He declines them.
- Murtagh's king, Ballista, promises him the former Saxon capital as his reward.


Some pictures of the Battle of Calleva

Initial deployment of Murtagh breton's warband:

Initial deployment of Aethel jute's warband:

First round melee:
Battle of the Isles


Ballista, victor at the Battle of Pevensey, decided to finish the Saxons as quickly as he could and he faced an army under command from Adorno, the lord of that province. Ballista launched an amphibous assault on the Isle of Wight where the Saxon forces took shelter. Ballista's assult was a failure, costing many Roman lives, but the Saxons lost many men as well. The Battle was a Costly Enemy Victory for the King of Regia, Marcus Clodius Ballista.


-Ballista retreats and makes camp at Pevensey
-Ballista writes a letter to the Byzantine Emperor, requesting a legion of men to march to Britannia
-Adorno keeps his lands, for now...
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