Need More Info Bannersnore... Zzzz

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Yes, but I removed mods.
Summary:There aren't many wars happening. I joined the Aserai and there were two extremely short wars and then nothing. Everyone is at peace. All I do is fight bandits, trade, occasionally try the tournaments. It's been about 15 hours playing and nothing is happening...
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Aserai usually starts slower than other kingdoms as they border only SE and WE directly. No worries, all hell will break loose once one of those kingdoms get their ass kicked by some other faction, Aserai to declare war, capture one or two settlements with your help and you'll dreadfully miss these peaceful days until all Calradia is conquered.
I struggle with too much war typically in my plays - Sturgia play.

So I joined Battania this time around abit into the years like year 7-8 (they where loosing alot of land to put it mildly).
Took back that lost land, and boom peace more or less all the time.

Been a few declare war, then get peace next day to collect tribute, or get out of a rotten deal.

I think the balance needs to do like other mods have done - added in "warfatigue" so that you can end wars easier if you get locked in them constantly(note that in 1.72 Beta its much easier though, even in "late/end-game")
But should also be easier to instigate war for those who suffer from the lack of it.

Like it was in Warband where some lords would offer quest to start wars.
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