Bannerlord´s Voice Acting

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I know that complete voice acting probably isnt going to be a thing in bannerlord, but i dont really mind that, however i saw a youtube video in which some vlandian character actually spoke, and i quite like it. if characters you meet on the campain map simply have a set number of diologue options they repeated, i would really like that

said video :  skip to 1:12 min.
They are working on that for quite a while, like I said in the comment section of that video, it isn't a core gameplay feature so I don't think they'll give it their full focus as of now. But they already showcased the voice acting all the way back in 2015:

at 1:44
I enjoyed the limited use of voice acting in games such as Morrowind, but using it for all conversation proved to be both limiting and expensive in the later Bethesda games.  Hopefully, Taleworlds can add it, but use it sparingly in situations where it has the most impact, not where it will be repeated over and over every time you meet a particular NPC.
anoldretiredelephant said:
I extracted most of the sounds, including the voice acting. it appears that the voices are only used for when you meet characters (i.e. seeing them before battle, meeting them in the tavern). I can upload them if you want.

i would truly appreciate it  :fruity:
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