Banned without reason -.-

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PG name: Rivendare

Hi, this is the situation. Yesterday I was playng in RCC_pwmod33 server. I was a bandit but i didn't committed any crime. Suddenly, a female bandit (without reason) attacked me and I killed her. First rules that she broke:

# You CANNOT attack bandits unless they have committed some form of crime that you HAVE SEEN or that a Town Watch has declared them as an outlaw. Brigands are to be regarded as civilians unless they are breaking some form of law.
    * Attacking someone with intention of killing, robbing, or kidnapping them is a crime.
    * If a Town Watch has put up a poster (in global chat they will say "*poster* Brigand so and so committed such and such crime if you see him you may kill him and collect a bounty of X amount of money")
#Randoming is NOT ALLOWED EVER.
    * Randoming is defined as: killing another player for no reason other than to get the kill

Ok, she died, so becoming an another person. 2 minuts after, she killed me from back. With that pg, i bought an 8k cross and a 3.5k sword, so I got angry! She broke this rule:

# New Life Rule - When you die you forget about your death and who killed you. You do not have to become an entirely new person, but it is recommended to help roleplay.
    * Character Kill - When someone kills your character you are dead forever and must become a new person. (optional)
    * Revenge Killing - Killing someone for no reason after they have killed you will result in an instant kick.

I asked to all admins to kick her, but they ignored me, so I told her that I was going to kill her and... THEY BANNED (NOT KICKED!) BANNED ME FROM THE SERVER! I'm still banned, I do not want to ask you to ban her, would be too (-.-), but can you have the decency to take off the ban?
Definitely, this is the situation: She killed me without reason, from back and she didn't got ban. I'm the victim, I only told her that I was going to kill her for revenge and an admin kicked me.

Pg name: Rivendare
nobody half of the players your banning ive played with before. this guy for example was a good roleplayer. i think i believe his story, admins only see one side usually and kick, they should warn first and only ban after serveral kicks

in this situation this player deserved a kick if he had actually of killed the other player and the other player deserves a 30min ban

If you plan to kill someone because you got killed you are not thinking it through. If you kill the person back they will kill you the next time and it will become a vicious circle that wont end until one of you leaves. And I don't think that's what the server is about. If you want to fight and kill go and play native.

Also I'm not commenting about your banning just a tip to anyone about how I think you should play. But you don't have to take it.

You guys need to realize that someone stole the admin password that is not a member of RCC or authorized to have it. We're not sure if legitimate admins are banning people or if RCC admins are banning them. Nobody needs to reset the admin password and I'm not sure if he has yet.
artifex said:
You guys need to realize that someone stole the admin password that is not a member of RCC or authorized to have it. We're not sure if legitimate admins are banning people or if RCC admins are banning them. Nobody needs to reset the admin password and I'm not sure if he has yet.

Nobody believed this guy might of been the culprit, he used the same phrase that someone else did a few months back when the server was hijacked. Leave him banned.
And one can just look at the server log and see the different user ID numbers.

And by one, I mean the dude who has access to the server files.
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