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Have you made one in real life? I have not, but they are scary as hell and dumber then my dog several times.

Actually talking about stupid people, most people are stupid.... But that's historical I guess.
How about pet dinosaurs? When they grow up, you can use them as a mount.
I am thinking Velociraptors for the first patch, we can add T-Rex and Triceratops in later editions.
In Brytenwalda, you can make a baby with your wife.  After getting very high relations with her after a series of very expensive dinners, you get a dialogue option, and nine months later you get an item called "baby".  It weighs 50 lbs/kilos/the developers never bothered to say which unit was used, and can be sold for a few dozen coins.  It does nothing, so I usually keep my babies in my wooden chest in my castle.
Mkhedari said:
In Brytenwalda, you can make a baby with your wife.  After getting very high relations with her after a series of very expensive dinners, you get a dialogue option, and nine months later you get an item called "baby".  It weighs 50 lbs/kilos/the developers never bothered to say which unit was used, and can be sold for a few dozen coins.  It does nothing, so I usually keep my babies in my wooden chest in my castle.
That's sick.
Babies bring everything up and down in your life , squeeze out the very last drop of vital energy left in you after a hard days work , they don't let you sleep , they don't permit you to have hobbies.....but they are lovely never the less , in a strange way they give you reason to live . So don't worry, have children (and take care of them) it's not the worst thing you've done in your life ( maybe the most difficult though ).  And don't worry Dr. Tomas they are not stupid, todays children are brilliant they never stop to amaze you with their capability to understand everything.  :cool: 
Mkhedari said:
In Brytenwalda, you can make a baby with your wife.  After getting very high relations with her after a series of very expensive dinners, you get a dialogue option, and nine months later you get an item called "baby".  It weighs 50 lbs/kilos/the developers never bothered to say which unit was used, and can be sold for a few dozen coins.  It does nothing, so I usually keep my babies in my wooden chest in my castle.

So wait the baby has no LIFE? It's an item that you can sell??? That's worse than not having one lol I mean the idea of keeping my baby in a chest!!!!! That is so twisted. :twisted:
DrTomas said:
Jason L. said:
And don't worry Dr. Tomas they are not stupid, todays children are brilliant they never stop to amaze you with their capability to understand everything:cool:
Then they are not historically accurate!

I still eat Coco Puffs and pack a lunch with a fruit cup, but I like options and history together :smile:
DrTomas said:
Jason L. said:
And don't worry Dr. Tomas they are not stupid, todays children are brilliant they never stop to amaze you with their capability to understand everything:cool:
Then they are not historically accurate!
:lol: :lol: :lol: I don't know maybe respectively they were as well in those days . If we admit that humanity is getting any better.....
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