Anyone ever think of a starship troopers mod?

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It's not like a human can block the attack from a bug, and the shooting in this engine isnt really great.
So I would say this game and its engine wouldn't really be used properly.
technically you can deflect his attack

i just enjoy the movies so much itd be fun to fight alongside you guys in a co-op captain style match against onslaughts of massive numbers of bugs XD
Aside from the author of the Battlestar Galactica modder, I don't think anyone else can mod in power suits and personal tactical nukes into this game.
There was one for the original Mount and Blade:

When you think about it, it has a lot of potential for Multiplayer Invasion style.  :razz:
Phalanx300 said:
When you think about it, it has a lot of potential for Multiplayer Invasion style.  :razz:

That it does...  :grin:

... although I'm still not sure this is the right engine for something like that... Although I suppose most good FPS are closed and thus difficult to mod, so maybe it is...  :???:

Would be interesting to say the least. However, you're probably better off in the modder's section with this topic.
The Bugs are possible. Above mod used Horses as the lower body, and the riders as the upper body. Only thing needed was some sort of script which kills rider/horse if the other one dies.

Just think of a MP where your in a fortress with other guys and a swarm of these bugs come at you. Walls would be at such a level that the bugs can still walk up onto it. In melee you would be massacred. Would be a nice basis for MP mod.

Edit: I found a video of the above mod on Youtube:

While rough it shows the Bugs could definately work.
Think it would be better to just have tose Automatic Rifles :razz:.

Though yea this tread might be better off in the Pioneers Guild.
I mean Automatic Rifles like how they are in China WWII mod. It already exists :razz:.

Just think of the scenario. Holding a fortress, seeing the Bugs coming over the hill swarming towards you and trying to get into the fortress. Its made for Full Invasion type of gameplay :razz:.
You would need a bit of tweaking.... Eg: Make the horses able to climb walls (since the legs are horses) or make holes in the fortress so that the bugs can get in.
It would still be awesome.

Does anyone still have that mod?
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