agent_set_scripted_destination doesn't work correctly

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I've got a problem with my formation code. When I form it for the first time, in most cases everything goes like this so it's fine. But when I refresh it (just call this same code again) it screws up like this or this.

Those arrows are spawned at positions which agents are ordered to go, and they shows that positions are fine. So I think the only problem is caused by agent_set_scripted_destination.

(position_set_z_to_ground_level, pos5),
(agent_set_scripted_destination, ":agent", pos5),
(set_spawn_position, pos5),
(spawn_scene_prop, "spr_helpful_arrow"),

I think the part where positions are calculated doesn't matter because arrows are on correct positions, so I skip it.
Any ideas how I can get it working?
One thing is when it's too close, it doesn't move, irrc.

Moreover, I tried using this approach for formations. The problem is when enemies come near-by they don't "break out" of the formation and generally suck at fighting.
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