In Progress After enemy lord recruited to our empire, our siege of their castle continues.

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Soooo... I recruited the Khergit clan from the Khuzaits to the Southern Empire while we were at war with them. I wasn't aware of it, but Rhagaea was already besieging one of their holdings, Jogurys Castle. After they changed to Southern Empire the siege continued and every 10 - 15 seconds I get the message that the Jogurys garrison is defending the castle, but as far as I know nothing is changing. I tried traveling to the castle to either join Rhagaea in the siege or to join with the defenders to see what would happen, but it won't let me do either. So I proposed a cease fire with the Khuzaits, which was accepted. But Rhagaea is still besieging the castle (of what is now one of her subjects). Possibly when she runs out of food it will end, or possibly she will stay there and eventually run out of forces to besiege it (due to starvation) but I really don't want to wait that long to report it. In any case, I'll send along a save.
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Hey, can you please share your save file with us so we can further inspect the issue? To send us a ticket, please visit the site and login to your forum account from the top right. Click to "My Account" and then click to "My Open Tickets". You can create a ticket there and include the save file and as well as the forum link of this thread. You can find more info about how to upload files to us with the new ticketing system here. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
I indicated I was sending a save on 4/22 & I'm pretty sure I did. Please check. If you can't find it I'll have to look back & see if I can find one from around that time but it probably wouldn't be while that was happening.
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