Advance Skirmish Battles

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I have been told to spilt the advance skirmish battles off to their own thread.

The check list to make this happen:
1) We would need at least 3 mapmakers that are willing to make historical accurate maps.
2) We need 2 more map designers that will give their maps to the mapmakers.
3) We need someone to edit the 4 RuleBook that i have created for these battles.
4) We need 4 people to think how to balance the rules and how to balance the maps.
5) We need 10 dedicated admins willing to watch everyone one on the battle field to make sure they are not braking the rule and what not.
6) We need Regiments willing to have a lot of fun with great rule, complex maps, simple maps and great people.

If you want to sign up for any of the postions just ask but be sure that if you dont know how to do something you dont sign up for it.  I will be giving a copy of both the advance rulebooks to any regiment leader that wants a copy to give the their men.

Once we have 4 or 5 map I will ask that you give all your men the rule book to read so they understand the rules and what not. More will be posted in the next few days so stay alert.

Primo Victoria

From 1st Lt Pilawa,
Fk Co and Head of Advance Battle on the Skirmish Dev Team
Can i sign up for a map designer because i have a few good ideas.

Edit: The 2e chasseurs and voltigeurs are willing to take part
Sure once we get a mapmaker you will be paired with him and you two will work as a team. 

Welcome to the Advance Skirmish Battle Dev Team :grin:.

From 1st Lt Pilawa
Head of Advacne skirmish battles
So far everything form Army marches to Pickett's final charge.  From the 1st day of Getteysburg to the famous winter march there will also be some made up battles and made up historical What if battles.

From 1st Lt Pilawa,
Head of Advance Skirmishes
Hey i would say yeah to the map stuff but i have never done thatt stuff before but i would be happy to be an admin :smile:
The 33rd is my regement (just a recruite) and some people would be interested i would of thought.
Good luck
arthasess said:
Hey i would say yeah to the map stuff but i have never done thatt stuff before but i would be happy to be an admin :smile:
The 33rd is my regement (just a recruite) and some people would be interested i would of thought.
Good luck
Dont you mean a recruit? anyway i will be willing to make maps if someone will pm me with the instructions to make one. (sorry if this post pisses anyone off)
Ok well the admin postions have almost been filled up in one day :grin: We've also got our 1st Army commander(Jasper) but we still need mapmakers that have made maps before, not trying to put the new mapmakers down but we need to try and get atleast 3 new maps a week.  I have also figured we will need a server to play all these maps on sooooooooo anyone have a regiment server that wants Fame of being the "Official Server of Advance Historical Battles" :grin:
If not we will have to make Bissect start a server.

List of People on the Advance Battle/Skirmishes Dev Team

Serious Soldier-FK

Army Commanders:

Map Makers:
No official ones till i see some of their work.

Map Designers:
marchal davout-2e

Rule Editor:

I will soon be making a form that regiment that want to join in the fun will have to fill out, it will go along the lines of size, unit type and commander nothing to hard.
Well also be organizing Simple skirmish battles in the other thread, so we havent forgotten those who have volunteered there.  The Freikorps will be doing both types.

Stalin is right, I am thinking of starting my own large server, Anyone know anyone rich whod like to be an army commander on that? If so, write me at [email protected]
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