84e siege server news

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Danik Golovanov said:
Nice to see you again Kabs, I can remember you was making some things for MM earlier, long time ago.

thanks mate. yeah well i loved the mm mod since it came out. i basicly did much little things others than maps like talking with vince that he should add weather effects after i tested them in native and he implemented them with his overhaul code to the mod. can even remember when i did the way signs first time from single parts of wood before they made a full model for it :smile: so basicly i did alot of advising and talk with the devs to make the mod even better for mapping and visuals :smile:

btw i have also remade 2 old maps. the siegeburger swamps will be in the official dlc and also i have the siebengebirge (mountain map) wich i am not sure if we maybe make it a event map for 84e server or whatever.


Looking nice and epic but at the same time too large for a 200-men battle. Too much trees and unnecessary space that which will not be used (all the space below the road and above the artillery position) and will create additional loads for the PC and lags as a result
and, neighbors artillery positions located too close to walls
na the space is totally ok. trees are also not too much... as allready said. there are much bigger siege maps than mine.... the performance should be really ok

the artillery is perfect thought. better than running miles before you reach the city walls as attacker. and maybe got killed by whatnot and have to move all long way again...

i dont say the whole map is perfect. since every map needs first tests with much players too see where the last problems are. thats why i will update it. but it should be really good enough to play it.

the map should be also ok with less than 200 players...

Your custom map 20 has a serious door.
You can go through it from both sides....not fitting for a siege anyways :smile:
So i was just banned from your server for trying to save some one from being tked. Your admins are crazy, they banned someone every two minutes. What kind of community are you running?
Hey Hunter!

First of all, to help you with any unbann requests you need to give us your ingame name.
Second, how exactly did you "try to save somebody from getting tked"? By trying to TK yourself? That's bannable, don't you even try to argue about that.
Third, all the banns that were done this evening were temporary, which means you are only banned for a couple of hours.
Fourth, banning somebody every two minutes is hardly the admins fault, but more due to all the trolls being around.
Fifth, if a lot of people were banned already, why did you start teamhitting in the first place?
Sixth, do you believe insulting us admins helps with being unbaned?

SirNitram said:
Hey Hunter!

First of all, to help you with any unbann requests you need to give us your ingame name.
Second, how exactly did you "try to save somebody from getting tked"? By trying to TK yourself? That's bannable, don't you even try to argue about that.
Third, all the banns that were done this evening were temporary, which means you are only banned for a couple of hours.
Fourth, banning somebody every two minutes is hardly the admins fault, but more due to all the trolls being around.
Fifth, if a lot of people were banned already, why did you start teamhitting in the first place?
Sixth, do you believe insulting us admins helps with being unbaned?



i havent even permed one person in NW yet
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