游戏无法运行,application crashed问题

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Application crashed because it could not get new memory from the operating system.
Requested memory size is 9223372036854775808 bytes
Common causes are :
-Corrupted game data files.
-Physical memory of your system might be insufficient for current configurations.
-Your OS page file might be too small.
-Other running applications might increase memory pressure on your system.
We suggest you to try verifying integrity of your game files.

考虑到工作人员一般需要 24 到 48 小时的时间来处理给予回复,因此在官方的支持人员回复您之前,您也可以尝试一些措施来解决该问题:
根据开发者 Duh 此前透露的消息
Based on what we can see, the amount of crashes has been significantly reduced by the various post-release patches - across all platforms. At this point the most significant improvements will likely come from further memory optimizations (at least for older systems). Of course, new updates (especially with more widespread content changes) may yield new stability challenges as well - so this assessment is going off of 1.0.3.
Bannerlord 在正式版发布时调整了内存的管理机制,因此可能是由于这个机制的调整导致了您之前在 Early Access 时期能顺利地运行游戏但在正式版发布更新后导致问题。
这个情况下,我们会推荐您根据教程执行一次全新安装。因为该问题很有可能是一些 EA 时期的有关于图形设置方面的旧文件与正式版新文件并存的冲突导致游戏错误地调用了 EA 版时期的配置导致的问题。

您也可以选择在工单内回复补充一下您的电脑大概运行环境和当前游戏版本来帮助支持人员加速定位您的问题;也可以尝试一下由 2 楼的热心玩家 @randomuser 提供的方法。
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