prisoner crash

  1. mcagriaksoy

    Closed Cannot get Prisoners after the quest "Conspiracy quest"

    Summary: I cannot get the prisoners, although I have space to get the new prisoners on my army. The button clickable but does not working at all. How to Reproduce: 1- Defeat the conspiracies on the quest "Conspiracy"! 2- Try to get prisoners on my army. 3- Ensure there is prisoner space to get...
  2. BulletTrain

    Resolved Taking Non-Conspiracy prisoners out of the Conspiracy hideout crashes the game

    Summary: Taking any non-conspiracy units (Whether as prisoners or troops) crashes the game How to Reproduce: As described in summary. This was not my experience in previous versions. There was even one conspiracy unit (a Conspiracy Commander) which you could some times take as prisoner. Have you...
  3. VersusXY

    SP - General Pop-up Prisoner Screen; Suggestion about prisoners.

    You won a 1500-1500 battle, after this battle, game gives you 4 enemy lords/ladys to capture. Enemy lords are loading, map icons and city names popping to screen (which shouldn't happen, causes the game to freeze and rises memory usage), game freezes, memory usage goes up to maximum when this...
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