Resolved Taking Non-Conspiracy prisoners out of the Conspiracy hideout crashes the game

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Version number
Yes, but I removed mods.
Dump identifier (optional)
Not given the option after crash but save game is available if required
Summary: Taking any non-conspiracy units (Whether as prisoners or troops) crashes the game
How to Reproduce: As described in summary. This was not my experience in previous versions. There was even one conspiracy unit (a Conspiracy Commander) which you could some times take as prisoner.
Have you used cheats and if so which: No
Scene Name (if related): N/A (I think)
Media (Screenshots & Video): N/A
Computer Specs:
OS: MS Windows 10 Home
GPU: NVidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
GPU Driver version: 466.77
CPU: Intel i9-9900K
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): SSD
Were you able to see the crash uploader tool? If you can upload your crash to us we can check it out. Please don't forget to copy the Crash ID and write it here so that we can find it.
More info about the crash uploader tool can be found here.
Have you checked out these threads about our Crash Checklist and Common Issues and Workarounds? They can help you find a solution as well.
No, unfortunately the crash uploader did not pop up. I can send the save file if that helps?

Files verified, in the meanwhile I will do a clean install to see if the crash uploader gets fixed.
The problem persists in my 1.5.10.

But absolutely no issued in 1.6.0 new game in the clean install.

I think we can call this resolved. I have not had further crashes so cannot provide further info on the original issue.
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