pre-battle screen

  1. SP - Battles & Sieges Pre-battle screen

    When you finally engage an enemy or target unit / party on the campaign map after chasing them down the talk options are shown, once you select to engage in battle there is a small window of time where nearby enemy units 'slide' into range of your party and then get added to the order of battle...
  2. Pre-battle party screen lock is unreasonable

    Hi, So like the title says, when you're lined up for a battle- field, siege, etc. and have the choice to send troops, attack, etc. you are not allowed to access the party screen. This seems strange. You can't make reasonable decisions like pressing willing captive soldiers into action to fill...
  3. Resolved Pre-battle screen vs Looters skipped completely

    EDIT 3: Consider this solved. I wasen't paying attention and didn't read. They surrendered, this is why the battle never showed up. I am an idiot... How to Reproduce: Engaging looters Version: e1.1.0.225664 Installed community-made modifications: None Computer Specs: OS:Windows 10 GPU: Nvidia...
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