peace treaty

  1. Open major bug - faction relations not affected by peace deals

    Hey guys I encountered following bug: joining kingdom does not reset relations to 0 when negative with other faction, when war begins and you fight other lords you lose relation with faction, when faction leader makes peace with said faction your relations do not jump up to 0, but stay negative...
  2. Resolved Peace System Broken

    I think the system is broken. In no circumstance do other empires ever pay me when making peace. Its always to them whether they are losing or winning. I've tried several different instances. Sieges seem to work opposite effect and make me pay more to them the more I take. Raids are kind of the...
  3. Resolved [Beta 1.5.6] Peace requirements for defeated Kingdom are unbalanced

    I *THINK this is a bug. In this playthrough Screenshot I have defeated all of the fiefs/settlements of the Northern Empire. Since my last declaration of war, I took their last settlement and have destroyed their military. However, no matter how much time passes the Northern Empire will ONLY...
  4. Resolved Game Crash when the Faction that the player is in (for me Battania,) signs a peace treaty with Western Empire.

    So my character has been in a war against the Western Empire, i have saved the game in a place where my faction (Battania) is in the process of signing a peace treaty with the Western Empire. The poll for that treaty is 100% chance peace and i can only abstain. When i click abstain the game...
  5. dongerexpander

    Resolved Soft locked in castle after peace treaty

    I broke into my castle to defend from a siege while fast-forwarding time, waiting for them to leave or break-in, a peace treaty came in with them and they left. However, the left-side actions panel (now with no options) and army v army overlay on the top of the screen (now empty) still existed...
  6. In Progress Unable to make peace with factions bug 1.4.1

    When i barter peace with a faction and it says barter offer accepted nothing happens it just keeps me at war with them and does not make peace It is not a mod related issue as it happens on a fresh new campaign with no mods activated Any ideas?
  7. Unable to make peace with factions bug 1.4.1

    When i barter peace with a faction and it says barter offer accepted nothing happens it just keeps me at war with them and does not make peace It is not a mod related issue as it happens on a fresh new campaign with no mods activated Any ideas?
  8. SP - General Peace treaty should last for a time

    The faction I have a peace treaty with always declare war on me half a day later… Have peace treaty "for 10/20/100/200 days" at different prices for different situations should be add to end this problem. Or the AI should have enormous penalties in relations with his fellow faction members as a...
  9. GG Cannon

    3 Days

    That is how long peace lasted with a kingdom which I have positive 3 relation to their queen, Rhagaea. That would be considered low an treacherous in medieval politics. Enough so to lose relation and respect by all adjacent kingdoms. Peace treaties should be taken seriously and respected for...
  10. Introdcution of armistice?!

    Good day, lately, I observed how kingdoms went to war with each other several times a season due to extremely short peace periods, sometimes only lasting 1-2 days. So I think the developers MUST implement the possibility of an armistice which lasts at least 14 days. +This would also solve the...
  11. Southern Empire re-declared war immediately after I made peace

    While still an independent clan I decided to go to war with the southern empire, later I found myself in a sticky situation where I was stuck between three southern empire armies. In an attempt to not get slaughtered I paid one of the lords 30k denars to make peace between the Southern Empire...

    I'm crying in this section but my problems are listed below: Yeah, I know game is in early access but I'm not asking advanced diplomatic relation options, I just want to make a goddamn peace. Or to declare war. Can't you just add this to the game it must be pretty easy like cmon we already can...
  13. Resolved Can't make peace with minor clan

    Even after 1.0.2 patch i cant make peace with minor clan. I found their leader but i have no barter option in dialog. They are even not agressive (is that alright?)
  14. Ruslanesque

    Suggestion: how to stop factions from steamrolling.

    Peace treaty system I think the best way to do it is to add a peace treaty diplomacy option and implement warscore system. So when you occupy a castle in a war you don't really own it but instead you just stop all the production in it and add it to your warscore. The more warscore you get, the...
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