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That is how long peace lasted with a kingdom which I have positive 3 relation to their queen, Rhagaea.

That would be considered low an treacherous in medieval politics.
Enough so to lose relation and respect by all adjacent kingdoms.

Peace treaties should be taken seriously and respected for several days, losing relation to ALL kingdoms and clans if one decides to break the treaty, even the clans that belong to your kingdom.

There needs to be mechanics that ensure that peace treaties are respect, else, its pointless to even have the option to discuss peace with enemy rulers.

deGoucan Scrolls Index
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That is how long peace lasted with a kingdom which I have positive 3 relation to their queen, Rhagaea.

That would be considered low an treacherous in medieval politics.
Enough so to lose relation and respect by all adjacent kingdoms.

Peace treaties should be taken seriously and respected for several days, losing relation to ALL kingdoms and clans if one decides to break the treaty, even the clans that belong to your kingdom.

There needs to be mechanics that ensure that peace treaties are respect, else, its pointless to even have the option to discuss peace with enemy rulers.

Lol? you had time between peace- and war declarations, I literally had both come up at the same time once. Made peace and declared a new war same second.

In Warband there was a "grace" period of 30 days where it was impossible to declare a new war, should be here too.
I agree with the reputation hits. It should also become more difficult/costly for a faction to sue for peace based upon the length of time their 'treaties' last. In other words, it shouldn't be impossible to break a treaty, but there should be global repercussions for doing so.

Oddly enough I was watching a documentary the other day which included a situation similar to this. A peace treaty was signed that was supposed to last for 10 years and, I believe it was the pope of the time, ordered their forces to renew their crusade after 3 years. It didn't end well for the ones who broke the treaty. I don't recall which documentary it was, sorry.

Side note: I have the opposite issue. No one wants to fight me so I have to pick fights, but once the war has started they don't seem too concerned with how long it lasts.
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