battles and sieges

  1. In Progress Audio Glitches during Battles, Sieges, and while in town or taverns. (Xbox one)

    Summary:When in Towns, during battles and sieges my audio glitches. The bug causes the sound of one soldier yelling for example to repeat itself over and over for about 5 seconds. It's not limited to troops it will also happen with babies crying, horses hooves, swords hitting shield, pretty much...
  2. SP - Battles & Sieges More battle scenes

    I would like it if you added in more scenes for battles. For example, If you arrive at a castle/ town under siege you arrive behind enemy lines with the siege on going and have to break the enemy to relieve the garrison. If you arrive at a battle that is underway you have to rush to save...
  3. SP - Battles & Sieges Idea for reinforcement system

    So the current spawn system for reinforcements is a bit weird. Troops are joining from another place although they are part of your current army. To make the experience a bit more organic I came up with the following: instead of letting a killed unit die, check if there is reinforcement and...
  4. SP - General Nobles of factions should heal for portion of damage dealt.

    This would then apply to the player if/when they join/create a faction. Since the lords spawn at the beginning of the battle, this would allow them to last longer in battles which spawn thousands of troops and last 20-30 minutes. It would be a lot of fun to see a still healthy and strong...
  5. SP - General Realistic battle situations

    Hi, I have this problem that comes up in many situations. You have a slower army charging an enemy who ends up in combat allowing you to catch up to them. You can't get involved.... if both are enemies why can't the map start with them in mid battle and all you need is to charge in. If one is...
  6. Resolved anyone having issues with ai blobbing in battles/sieges in bannerlord?

    Does anyone else have issues with the AI in the game? specifically how they blob really close together in battles... Typically in battles ai will collide with eachother because of how small their capsules are. On top of this their ai will push through eachother with all their might in order to...
  7. MP Stupid army

    Well, u can kill all enemy comanders and their army still with a good IA, but if u die in batlle, not really matter if u have companions in your team or not, your army QI go 0 and all rush like idiots to death and die agains a worse army. I think that should be better, atleast stay with the...
  8. SP - Battles & Sieges More granular unit designation + formation AI + some autocalc musing

    This has been going on through my mind for a while. Please bear with me, wall of text incoming but necessary. Technically it's something that would impact both single and multi-player part of the game, but eh. Don't care for the BattlEye snooping, so single-player it is. I think it would be...
  9. ZydrateTheSmoothCriminal

    SP - Battles & Sieges [Suggestion] Layered defense emphasis on sieges (& more improvements)

    Layers of defense, one of the main principles of castle layout and design, lack of which in Warband and now also in Bannerlord seriously saddens me. In its current state, sieges are basically over once the first attacker has climbed the walls, which yes, is devastating for the defenders...
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