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  1. pizzaman_6

    MP Musket Era [WB] American Independence War.

    Bradleybarends said:
    Dont forget: This will become a MP Mod!

    I think people have forgotten.
  2. pizzaman_6

    MP Musket Era [WB] American Independence War.

    It sounds like you basically need people to do pretty much all the work, and you are just supplying the "ideas", trust me that never attracts anyone to help.
  3. pizzaman_6

    MP Musket Era [WB] American Independence War.

    Yeah....This is totally going to be made. Btw, it's Independence not "Indipendence".
  4. pizzaman_6

    SP Medieval [WB] 1429 La Guerre de Cent Ans - La Relance (Hundred Years War Submod)

    Why are you so offended by this mod Fantasy Warrior? Nobody is trying to take anything away from you. Everyone knows that you made this mod in the first place, and that this is only a submod.
  5. pizzaman_6

    SP Medieval [WB] 1429 La Guerre de Cent Ans - La Relance (Hundred Years War Submod)

    Download from pages 4 and 6 for now, a new version is coming soon, but the current version (on pages 4 & 6) is the best version of the 1429 mod at the moment to play in English.
  6. pizzaman_6

    SP Medieval [WB] 1429 La Guerre de Cent Ans - La Relance (Hundred Years War Submod)

    Any word on the next version? I know the current one is perfectly playable, but I can't wait to see all those troops and armors in the game!
  7. pizzaman_6

    SP Medieval [WB] 1429 La Guerre de Cent Ans - La Relance (Hundred Years War Submod)

    Sorry if this has been asked before in this thread, but if you get injured, how do you heal yourself?
  8. pizzaman_6

    SP Musket Era [WFaS] English Civil War

    Oh ok, that's pretty cool though, I would be interested in playing your version when you're done with it.
  9. pizzaman_6

    SP Musket Era [WFaS] English Civil War

    I heard on the Moddb page that Dazzer has taken the mod over for the time being, is there any new updates or screenshots on what is being developed?
  10. pizzaman_6

    SP Medieval [WB] 1429 La Guerre de Cent Ans - La Relance (Hundred Years War Submod)

    I'm glad, this is one of the best mods for M&B, and I love so much about it.
  11. pizzaman_6

    SP Medieval [WB] 1429 La Guerre de Cent Ans - La Relance (Hundred Years War Submod)

    Plasquar said:
    I mean... we know how Jeanne d'Arc's story ends but I'm still interested if you can marry her.
    And is there a storyline around her?

    I've noticed you're a little obsessive about her.
  12. pizzaman_6

    SP Medieval [WB] 1429 La Guerre de Cent Ans - La Relance (Hundred Years War Submod)

    ---- said:
    Hmmm, when the translation is finished, maybe i can continue in english  :roll:

    Some help for the translation online ? and the correction ?

    Just something like, english quests, english mercenaries, remove the quest for jhoan of arc or add a new (you can choose : help us/ or combat).

    If you are american or australian, you prefere to play the french faction or the english faction ?  :mrgreen:
    You have the britainy faction (neutral, a duchy from france) and the burgundian faction, (another french duchy, in civil war with the main french faction : the armaniacs and johan of arc).

    And rebuild some battle scenes (totaly photorealistic !) and models.

    Just 3/4 months on work, for a perfect mod english version.

    red: english faction
    green: burgundians, civil war with the armaniacs + ally to english faction.
    yellow: armaniac, daulphin charles 7 and jhoan of arc.


    Can i do add the county of provence ? south east in grey, neutral with all/ 40% of chance of war with the english and burgundian faction. actually it's armaniac.

    Britany (neutral) in north east, in grey, is allready done.

    edit: hm...a quest for join the duchy of guyene, county of maine, and rouen to the english army divised ?  :roll: or more realistic : some diplomatical dialogues with the burgundians ? (add/remove relation with english faction).

    And of course more dialogues like "we are the legitimate heir of the french kingdom"  Well, not false  :smile: Everybody was right and wrong.

    This is from the main 1429 forum, Fantasy Warrior and magitsu were having a conversation about adding a Provence faction, and I remember liking the idea. Would this be something that could be feasible? Personally I've always thought that 1429 could use more factions.
  13. pizzaman_6

    SP Medieval [WB] 1429 La Guerre de Cent Ans - La Relance (Hundred Years War Submod)

    A lot of those NPC's really needed equipping IMO, particularly the Burgundians, and all the knights wearing Greathelms. I've always wanted to go back and add more of Narf's latest Men-at-Arms armors and helmets, and I'm glad to see that you guys are doing that!
  14. pizzaman_6

    SP Medieval [WB] 1429 La Guerre de Cent Ans - La Relance (Hundred Years War Submod)

    Any rough ETA on when this might be finished? I'm holding off playing until the main release. 1429 has always been one of my favorite mods, but it always needed to be finished properly, IMO. I'm glad there is finally someone to take it over the finish line.
  15. pizzaman_6

    SP Dark Ages Viking Conquest - Family Edition [OSP]

    I don't know what a VC compiler is or how to use it, but I am interested in using this for my next playthrough, can you release a version of this that is able to be used without having to do all that.
  16. pizzaman_6

    SP Native Modern The Parabellum (WW1 in Calradia)

    I don't think there is a need for insults here to defend Parabellum. I am personally a HUGE fan of L'Aigle and it is in my flair on reddit. I have been following the progress of that mod very closely, and I am excited for the next release. I'm also a big fan of Jacob Hinds artwork and Sayazn mod. Master_Copypaster (despite the unfortunate user name, lol) is a skilled  modder, just not one well versed in the proper etiquette regarding permissions. I wish there was some way to move past this, as he's really trying to just deliver a good mod. All of our team is in favor of making this right, with a lot of them not even knowing that we didn't have the proper permissions. We don't condone any hatred towards other mods or modders.
  17. pizzaman_6

    SP Native Modern The Parabellum (WW1 in Calradia)

    I don't know why my answer is so problematic. I said that it would've been better if Master_Copypaster had gotten those permissions to begin with. It was definitely a mistake, and had I been around development at an earlier stage, I would've strongly advised against not getting the proper permissions. Like I said, he is young, and he probably didn't plan all this out. The mod started as a personal project for his own use, and has grown into a lot more since he first started working on it. He didn't have a lot of skill at first, and learned how to code and model over time. Now he makes a lot of his own models, but there are a lot of placeholders and leftovers from Red Wars and stuff he kinda threw in there when it was just his project. It's such a huge project, and we kinda have our work cut out for us on bugfixing and adding new features that make M&B more viable for 20th century warfare. So I'm asking you, hat in hand to please let us use these models. We can give you our resources and coding to use if you want it, and maybe we can do some testing for your mods, too.
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