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  1. jajelli

    Mission "ARMY OF POACHERS" makes the game crash

    Okay, I have done more sorting, and I have fixed my game, so it is not the save file itself, it is the quest "Army of Poachers". I enabled my cheats and Shift clicked my way to the small town, but it was not midnight so I couldn't do the quest before it crashes. I then paused the game for 2-3 seconds, clicked "Save as" then reloaded the game instead of it crashing. I waited until midnight and completed the quest and I can now move normally and no crashing occurs.
    Tried these exact steps, still crashed unfortunately.
  2. jajelli

    Early Access Information

    Hey Callum,

    Any word on beta files and if they'll be usable on the 30th for EA?
    Also, we know mod tools aren't coming immediately, but is the map editor going to be released separately? Seems like it's been developed since that 2014 video and is more "ready" for launch.
  3. jajelli

    Thorgrim's Map Editor v0.9.0 (Updated 20/06/2008)

    vahadar said:
    sry for double post, quick question, what is the color RGB for desert and deep ocean in thorgrim editor when importing color map? It seems they arent on pallet.

    i have searched for "pallet" and "desert" key words but found nothing

    thanks in advance !

    edit : exporting warband native color map doesnt help either, where "desert" should be (around sarranid area) Thorgrim's editor is exporting plains or steppe thou desert is well shown in editor

    Very old quote but it's all I've found while searching.
    I'm struggling to find the hex value for deserts as well for easy editing outside of Thorgrim's.
    Is it documented anywhere?
  4. jajelli

    SP Fantasy Warsword Conquest - New Opening Post

    Echtel said:
    I'm loving every second of the new release; currently playing as a "good" vampire fighting for the Empire...
    Hey now, every vampire could be considered good. Using necromancy to safeguard man and letting the (alive) citizens of Sylvania lead their lives in peace is as good as it gets!  :razz:
  5. jajelli

    Design of the Campaign Map

    Hey there, I'm looking into making my own campaign map and am curious about the methods used in VC (I'm not looking for an express tutorial). I really enjoyed the detail of the map--the rivers, mountains, layout of the continent, and felt it far surpassed any other map that I've seen. How did...
  6. jajelli

    SP Fantasy Warsword Conquest - New Opening Post

    [Possible bug unless intentional?]
    Horses don't seem to work for Vampires on the campaign map. There's no animation/icon of it in use, nor are any speed bonuses applied.
    Applies to all horses (not just skeletal horses).
  7. jajelli

    SP Medieval Fantasy (Game of Thrones) A World of Ice and Fire (v8.1 released 7/3/22)

    produno said:
    For everyone else. Which lord/npc would you most like to see or interact with in the game?
    That's a toughie, depending on the dialogue offered. ;D

    Roose Bolton for some truly perverse antics hidden behind that iron exterior.
    Victarion Greyjoy and the rest of the Greyjoy brothers for some diverse skillsets, ideologies, and motives.
    Lots of interesting stuff!
  8. jajelli

    Diplomacy mod?

    The features lists that Brytenwalda contains diplomacy, but I don't have any options as the ruler of my nation to form any relationships with other nations. In Floris with Diplomacy, I'd be able to send gifts, attempt to form alliances, trade agreements, etc., but I don't see any of the options...
  9. jajelli

    [ Release ] Server Side Scripts - Bank - Money Saving - Equipment Saving -

    ZeNinja said:
    The Irony....

    Aight, this is rather bs... Nexus is Nexus and CoN is CoN we go are separate ways. If your gonna continue crying your buttocks out at us... By all means do so... But for the immaturity going on here surprised me weather i should even stick with the mod. Honestly **** sakes get a life... For the one thats gonna say 'WHY DONT YU GET ONE TUU FEG' Mate, I own a huge ass community and a hosting company and i work as a Tech for a private company in London. I have one. Secondly, the people screaming his a holes out at this thread piss off? This is a thread saying ' [RELEASE] Server Side Scripts - Bank - Money Saving - Equipment Saving' ... Not ' YO BRO COME HERE AND LETS TALK ABOUT HOW NEXUS IS SO ****' Its his release he wants to give it out. So stop pissing yourself and go bloody wank ffs... If you love Nexus so much go play on it. So why don't you flame the thread somewhere else... Or if your so implied why dont you go make a thread...

    JS: S0mebody and his HA's honestly don't give a flying **** about what your saying...

    Now piss off and if you have some advice or anything do so. If not piss off..

    Why would you expect them to not defend themselves after insulting them?
  10. jajelli

    Founding a Kingdom

    In Floris, you could ask your king to release you as a vassal, while telling him that you will be keeping your fiefdom (essentially a rebellion, instantly at war).
    Here, that option isn't available. I'd love to know, too, if it's possible to hold onto your fiefs. Albeit it's too late for me, as I already left and took back my 'emptied-out' castles swiftly and made peace.
  11. jajelli

    Feedback current SVN revision - peasant abusion system

    Why are many of the convenient 'mod options' missing in the 1.02 version, such as battle continuation, yet they exist in the SVN version?
  12. jajelli

    Relationship with faction

    As I'm in a similar situation, I'm not gonna make another thread...

    Suddenly every kingdom's lord is -14 with me (aside from my own liege lord), and I don't know why.
    I've made peace with a few, but most want me to see me die.

    Any ideas how this is possible? Companions getting me right to rule, me helping my lord raid a caravan of a single nation, executing a captured lord? (which one? :razz:)

    edit: definitely because I executed a lord after reloading a save. Not sure how else to bring peace to this faction who's fighting two lords with no towns
  13. jajelli

    1.02v Bugs Compilation Thread (Screenshot Intensive)


    It seems my Danish marshal is stuck in a forever-war with himself and followers.

    This occurred right after taking the castle Scara from the Kingdom of Sweden.

    Slightly off-topic, but also the Danish lords don't seem to ever have tasks available when not on *campaign* (doesn't matter if war/peace).
  14. jajelli

    SP Fantasy (Game of Thrones) A Clash of Kings (7.0 released 13th of May, 2019)

    Is there a certain unique standard for peace/war in this mod?

    Seems like the '5 king' factions are at war eternally, and never try to make peace as you'd see in vanilla.
    Dorne and the Vale seem to also stay out of wars forever.
    Is it built into the mod? I can't seem to get my Dornish leader to go to war with anybody, despite high persuasion and relations.
  15. jajelli

    SP Fantasy (Game of Thrones) A Clash of Kings (7.0 released 13th of May, 2019)

    jajelli said:
    First of all, great mod! Just picked it up today and am enjoying it immensely (especially after reading through the books).

    I decided to first sway my allegiance towards Dorne.
    Sorry if this was addressed before, though it is minor...
    I'm wondering where Doran Martell is? Why is the Red Viper the liege lord of Dorne? I had hoped to marry the buxom Arianne Martell, daughter of Doran! ;D
    (also appears there's several Sand Snakes missing, as well.)

    Ended up sufficing with one of the Yronwoods
  16. jajelli

    SP Fantasy (Game of Thrones) A Clash of Kings (7.0 released 13th of May, 2019)

    First of all, great mod! Just picked it up today and am enjoying it immensely (especially after reading through the books).

    I decided to first sway my allegiance towards Dorne.
    Sorry if this was addressed before, though it is minor...
    I'm wondering where Doran Martell is? Why is the Red Viper the liege lord of Dorne? I had hoped to marry the buxom Arianne Martell, daughter of Doran! ;D
    (also appears there's several Sand Snakes missing, as well.)
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